Day 064 - 08 Dec 94 - Page 16

     1        A.  In the US.  We are using US figures there.
     3   Q.   Why not set up ovens in all the new stores that you have
     4        been opening since whenever it was that the baked one in
     5        the US was first introduced?
     6        A.  I think I have just answered your question.
     8   Q.   You say it does not sell any more but have sales slumped?
     9        A.  No.
    11   Q.   Since they have introduced the baked ones?
    12        A.  No, they have not improved either, so why spend the
    13        money?
    15   Q.   For concern out of your customers' health?
    16        A.  I do not think it is a concern.
    18   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I did not hear what you said.  You must keep
    19        your voice up.
    21   MS. STEEL:  Concern for your customers' health?
    22        A.  We do not see it as a concern.
    24   Q.   You do not, reducing the fat content?
    25        A.  No.  Why do we need to?
    27   MS. STEEL:  I have finished with the articles, thank you.
    29   MR. MORRIS:  Relating to the matters we have just been
    30        discussing on EC regulations and procedures and beef
    31        consumption, have you seen the statement that was served a
    32        few days ago of the veterinary officer who worked at
    33        Jarrats?
    34        A.  No, I have not.
    36   MR. RAMPTON:  No, my Lord, we cannot have this.  Mr. Oakley has
    37        not seen it.  I have only just looked at it.  Certain
    38        enquiries are being made.  It would be quite wrong to put
    39        an unproved statement from some person to Mr. Oakley in
    40        cross-examination.
    42   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I have not looked at it because I was waiting
    43        to see what part it took, but why bother even to mention
    44        the statement?  Why not take whatever allegation you think
    45        is  -----
    47   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, the difficulty is this:  It is a new
    48        allegation.  In the normal way Mr. Oakley and any other
    49        witness who is apt to deal with the question would have had
    50        a chance to brief himself on the subject. 
    52   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes.  Should I not actually be told what it 
    53        is?
    55   MR. RAMPTON:  It is some allegation by a woman who worked for
    56        one month at one of McKey's suppliers -- 15 days -- to the
    57        effect that some of the hygiene regulatory procedures were
    58        not followed.  Whether this witness knows anything about it
    59        may be doubted, I do not know.  But, with respect, he
    60        ought, if he is going to be asked questions about it, to

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