Day 064 - 08 Dec 94 - Page 14

     1   Q.   Since Denmark does not request it, am I to assume McKey
     2        goes to British suppliers rather than outside the country?
     3        A.  That is right.
     5   MS. STEEL:  So does McDonald's not try to ensure that all its
     6        products are sourced locally, the raw ingredients are
     7        sourced locally?
     8        A.  McDonald's in the European countries?
    10   Q.   Yes.
    11        A.  They will buy their product where it is best for them
    12        to buy it.  As I said to you earlier, it may be a number of
    13        reasons that affect that decision.  It may be a quality
    14        reason; it may be an economic reason.  It may be that no
    15        factory exists to produce the product.  I am really
    16        repeating what I have just said to you earlier on.
    18   Q.   So it might be for an economic reason alone?
    19        A.  In terms of which product?
    21   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Let us stick to beef patties because this at
    22        the end of the day, it is suggested, is relevant to
    23        rainforest.  As far as I am concerned, with rainforest, we
    24        are only concerned with beef.
    25        A.  OK, for purely economic reasons in terms of beef
    26        patties would be Denmark.
    28   MS. STEEL:   Right.
    29        A.  Only.
    31   Q.   Have you got a processing plant in Holland?
    32        A.  Does McDonald's have one?
    34   Q.   Yes.
    35        A.  No.
    37   Q.   Has there ever been a processing plant supplying
    38        McDonald's?
    39        A.  I believe there has been one but I was not involved, so
    40        I cannot be sure but I would think so.
    42   Q.   Just while we have this open, Mr. Rampton, asked you about
    43        why the McLean Delux was not available in the UK.  Do you
    44        see there is a reason given, I think it starts in the
    45        second column?
    46        A.  About McLean Delux oh, yes, down below.  Yes.
    48   Q.   "The hang up about food additives", that is given as a
    49        reason there for reducing our chances of being offered the
    50        McLean Delux, was that one of the reasons? 
    51        A.  Specifically carageenan? 
    53   Q.   Yes.
    54        A.  Yes, I think at that time that was true.
    56   Q.   So why was that?
    57        A.  Again I think it was perceptions about carrageenan.
    59   Q.   Public perception?
    60        A.  Yes, today -- it is nothing like that -- today people

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