Day 063 - 07 Dec 94 - Page 30

     1        ranges.
     3   Q.   But if you had wanted ---
     4        A.  There could have been various reasons for that.
     6   Q.   -- them to supply the packaging would they not continue
     7        doing that?
     8        A.  It depends; if they do not want to produce a packaging
     9        or if it is a small item for them, they are not really
    10        specialised in it and another company is specialised in it,
    11        they are generally able to give a much better price, for
    12        instance.
    14   Q.   So the main reason would be for price, would it?
    15        A.  I could not tell you; it would probably be one of the
    16        reasons.
    18   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  He says he does not know.
    20   MR. MORRIS:  No further questions.
    22   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, what I would like to do, with your
    23        Lordship's leave -- I do not what your Lordship wants to do
    24        this afternoon; whether your Lordship intends to sit or
    25        not, but if not, then it might take me just a bit past
    26        1 o'clock -----
    28   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  The choice is this basically, either we
    29        adjourn when Mr. Van Erp's evidence is completed or we can
    30        go back to dealing with some of the procedural matters; in
    31        some ways I would prefer the former.  It would give you,
    32        apart from anything else, the opportunity, if you choose to
    33        take it, of going back over your remaining
    34        cross-examination of Mr. Oakley and getting that as well
    35        ordered as you possibly can, quite apart from being able to
    36        use the time on anything else you want to prepare.  I think
    37        we will have time to deal with all the other ancillary
    38        matters and, having looked again at the two experts from
    39        Strathclyde and at Mr. Gonzales, I have become rather more
    40        firm that we should be satisfied with Mr. Gonzales, but
    41        there we are.
    43   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, there is no problem with that.
    45   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  No.  That is before the end of term.  Is
    46        everyone content that we complete Mr. Van Erp and then we
    47        will adjourn for the rest of the day?
    49   MR. RAMPTON:  I would be grateful to your Lordship.  I promise
    50        I will not go much beyond ten past one. 
    52   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  No, thank you. 
    54                      Re-Examined by Mr. Rampton
    56   MR. RAMPTON:  (To the witness):  Can we just take this bundle of
    57        documents?  I am not going to go through it.  I have
    58        noticed in going through it that it is only a proportion of
    59        your suppliers that complied with your request to specify
    60        if they knew it post-industrial or post-consumer so far as

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