Day 063 - 07 Dec 94 - Page 27
1 per cent.
3 Q. Yes. I am just concerned about the minimum specification.
4 A. Yes.
6 Q. We can all go through them. Then if we go to page 73, this
7 is Parpack -- do we know where Parpack are placed?
8 A. They are located -- they were at that time -- located
9 in Canada.
11 Q. Canada?
12 A. Canada.
14 Q. So is this imported from Canada then?
15 A. Yes, it is.
17 Q. That is 100 per cent post-industrial?
18 A. Yes, it is.
20 Q. If we move on to page 79, this is Lin Pac from the UK, is
21 it not?
22 A. Yes.
24 Q. We have there Big Mac boxes, cases, all 0 per cent
25 recycled?
26 A. Yes, they are not boxes. They are a paper wrap which
27 is actually used. That is why if you, for instance,
28 compare the first one, the scramble egg lid, which is put
29 into a box, boxes can be around about a kilogram. Then
30 below that, you see a Big Mac box which probably in volume
31 is about as big as the upper one, and then you see that it
32 is only 200 grammes. So they did not use a box there; they
33 used a wrap, they used a paper wrap which was only 200
34 gramme.
36 Q. Where it says "corrugated weight" that is about a fifth,
37 something just slightly under a fifth, of the weight of
38 corrugated box above. On some of the charts it has
39 "corrugated weight". Where it is not corrugated --
40 I cannot find it now -- it actually specifies that it is
41 paper. For example, on page 47, the second one down has
42 52 grammes paper to distinguish it from the one above
43 which, presumably, is corrugated, yes?
44 A. Which page were you referring to?
46 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Page 47 -- it is a completely different
47 company.
49 MR. MORRIS: Completely different company.
51 MR. JUSTICE BELL: So they have filled it in that way, by
52 putting paper underneath it?
53 A. That is basically it.
55 MR. MORRIS: So they have distinguished between corrugated and
56 paper by actually identifying the paper, what is paper
57 rather than corrugated, yes?
58 A. Yes. Some people were a little bit more helpful in
59 filling it in than others.