Day 063 - 07 Dec 94 - Page 24

     1   MS. STEEL:  As I understand it, the Plaintiffs' argument about
     2        fishing expeditions were ruled out by the Court of Appeal
     3        judgment, because we were entitled to ask witnesses
     4        questions that we did not necessarily have evidence on
     5        ourselves, that evidence could come from a variety of
     6        sources which included cross-examination.
     8   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, with respect, it does not say that.  What
     9        it does say is that if you have reasonable ground for
    10        thinking that something is true, you may plead it.
    12   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes.
    14   MR. RAMPTON:  Thereafter you may use cross-examination of the
    15        other side ------
    17   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  To try to find the evidence or in a search
    18        for the evidence.
    20   MR. RAMPTON:  Yes, but at the moment there is nothing pleaded
    21        either by way of actual pleading or by way of witness
    22        statements.  It is, strictly speaking, a fishing
    23        expedition.
    25   MS. STEEL:  It was in Ms. Carroll's statement and we are trying
    26        to find a replacement for her.  Actually, this is not
    27        really Mr. Bateman's area because Mr. Bateman is talking
    28        about the scientific argument as opposed to the
    29        practicalities.
    31   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Carry on and put your questions but be bound
    32        by Mr. Van Erp's answer in so far as he does not know.
    33        There is a very great danger -- what concerns me about
    34        questions to witnesses who say they do not know and then
    35        think hard, if they are witnesses who are trying to be
    36        helpful, as you may think that Mr. Van Erp is, they then
    37        say that something may be so or they think that it be so;
    38        equally, that may be completely wrong but thereafter it is
    39        treated as if it is right which is a danger.  So, I am
    40        going to allow you to put any further questions you want on
    41        this, but if Mr. Van Erp says he does not know or he cannot
    42        remember, you really, I think, have to leave it there with
    43        him.
    45   MS. STEEL:  If McDonald's has asked suppliers to look into
    46        alternatives to chlorine bleaching -- that is right, you
    47        have just said that, yes?
    48        A.  We have asked our suppliers to look into that, yes.
    50   Q.   That, presumably, is because some of those suppliers are 
    51        using chlorine bleaching because otherwise there would be 
    52        little point in asking them to change? 
    53        A.  Yes, or, as I said earlier, there are three steps of
    54        bleaching, that is, you can use elementary chlorine, you
    55        can use chlorine, if you so-called, chlorine derivatives,
    56        or non-chlorine based alternatives.  We are looking into
    57        that.  However, the tests that are going on with that are
    58        done by a colleague of mine and I would not be able to give
    59        you an exact update on how far we are.

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