Day 063 - 07 Dec 94 - Page 23

     1        A.  Yes, they are talking about paperboard.
     3   Q.   OK.  You have said you have been to the Enso-Gutzeit mill.
     4        A.  Yes.
     6   Q.   Do you know whether they use mechanical or chemical
     7        pulping?
     8        A.  No, I am not 100 per cent sure.
    10   Q.   You cannot remember?
    11        A.  No.
    13   MR. MORRIS:  A final few questions here.  Just on that last
    14        subject, does Enso-Gutzeit now use chlorine in its
    15        production, if you can just cast your mind back?
    16        A.  I think they do not use elementary chlorine any more.
    18   Q.   The obvious question is when you say "elementary chlorine",
    19        you mean they may use some derivatives?
    20        A.  Well, there is a clear difference.  You can use
    21        chlorine, you can use hypochlorite and you can use totally
    22        chlorine-free bleaching.
    24   Q.   So what is the chlorine derivative or whatever it is that
    25        they use now?
    26        A.  I think they use depending on specifications that are
    27        being made by the people that require it.
    29   Q.   But in general what do they use for -----
    30        A.  I could not tell you.
    32   Q.   Does McDonald's specify to them -- is there a specification
    33        on that?
    34        A.  No, we have asked -- we have in writing asked our
    35        suppliers to look at possibilities to phase out chlorine
    36        bleaching, but I could not give you an update on how far we
    37        exactly are.
    39   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, I am little troubled by this, partly
    40        because Mr. Van Erp is not Mr. Bateman in one sense and
    41        partly because at the moment the Defendants have no case in
    42        relation to this, neither pleaded nor in the form of any
    43        statement of a witness they propose to call.  I have freely
    44        said that any witness's statement, where the witness is
    45        going to give evidence, may be used as part of the Defence
    46        and pleadings, but this seems to me to be entirely a
    47        fishing expedition, with respect.
    49   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Do you know what the situation is?
    51   MR. MORRIS:  Yes.  I have spoken to Women's Environmental 
    52        Network of which Vicky Carroll was no longer able to give 
    53        evidence for us; they are looking to finding a replacement
    54        person.
    56   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  No, but do you know what the position is so
    57        far as use of chlorine?
    59   MR. MORRIS:  That is why I am asking the witness.

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