Day 063 - 07 Dec 94 - Page 21
1 A. No, but it was the main -- I think we determined that
2 to be the main category of the virgin paper during that
3 year.
5 Q. Do you happen to know what percentage of McDonald's paper
6 packaging or paper supplies -- do you have any policy on
7 paper sources, any written, clear policy? Does McDonald's
8 have any policy saying: "We will not touch this or that",
9 apart from the policy on rainforests which relates to
10 cattle anyway so we are not concerned with that, any policy
11 on paper sources?
12 A. A clear issued policy -- I do not think we have issued
13 a clear policy on that.
15 Q. I do not believe it is mentioned in the EDF report. I am
16 not sure. You cannot remember any policy anyway?
17 A. In Europe we have not issued a clear policy statement
18 that we will not use certain forests. We have told our
19 suppliers, and one of the questions that are asked
20 suppliers in our environmental audits is: "What do you
21 know of policy statements of your paper suppliers?" So we
22 actually do have information on some of them, such as Enso.
24 Q. You do not have any specifications on them?
25 A. But we do not have a specification as such, no.
27 MS. STEEL: Have you got the letter that you got from
28 Enso-Gutzeit; it should be just behind your statement?
29 A. Yes, I have my statement here.
31 Q. CVE 4.
33 MR. JUSTICE BELL: As a matter of interest, are all
34 communications in English in Europe between Perseco and
35 suppliers or is there no real way one or another?
36 A. 99 per cent is English.
38 Q. I merely ask that because there is one Finn writing to
39 another, judging by their names there?
40 A. Yes, that is true.
42 Q. No doubt they speak as fluent English as you do, but one
43 advantage of having a common language is that if anyone
44 anywhere in the system needs to look at the correspondence,
45 memos or whatever, they can understand them?
46 A. Which is exactly the reason why it has been chosen to
47 be English, the language for McDonald's has been determined
48 as English, but as soon as they do international business,
49 yes. Yes, I have that document.
51 MS. STEEL: Right. I am really just like after clarification
52 because I was a bit confused by all the different figures
53 given there. In the third paragraph it says: "One hectare
54 of average Finnish forest produces raw material for one
55 tonne on paperboard, 1000 hectares for 1,000 tonnes".
56 I understand the next paragraph because that is relating to
57 how much is produced in 100 years. But then at the bottom
58 there is another paragraph about 33 hectares has wood for
59 1,000 tonnes of paperboard. I was not sure about whether
60 -- do you know why there is a difference in those figures