Day 063 - 07 Dec 94 - Page 16
1 environmental issues is to perform regular audits. I visit
2 the suppliers regularly to actually perform a quality audit
3 and we have extended that over the last two years by
4 introducing an environmental audit. We will actually check
5 in those audits what they say by looking at their
6 processes, looking at their procedures, looking at what
7 they are doing in the plants so that we actually visit to
8 the plant where the product is made.
10 Furthermore, we do (but this is more on quality issues than
11 on environmental issues) random checks on our products.
12 That sometimes may include environmental issues as well.
13 However, for instance, it is very difficult to check
14 exactly which percentage is recycled fibre or not. If you
15 have a finished product which is a mix of recycled fibre
16 and virgin fibre, it is, to my knowledge, virtually
17 impossible to check what is the quantity of recycled fibre
18 or virgin fibre.
20 Q. Is it part of the agreement you have with your suppliers or
21 contract that they give access to McDonald's ---
22 A. Yes.
24 Q. -- to information?
25 A. Yes.
27 Q. It is part of the contract, is it?
28 A. Yes.
30 Q. We are just sort of clearing up bits and pieces now. We
31 may dodge around in bits.
33 MS. STEEL: One thing I was not sure which is in your statement
34 or the document behind your statement is the figure on
35 recycled material, the number of kilograms used.
37 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Keep your voice up, please, Ms. Steel.
39 MS. STEEL: 7.3?
40 A. Yes.
42 Q. Where did that figure come from?
43 A. Which figures are you refer to?
45 Q. The use of recycled material was 13,166,724 kilograms?
46 A. That is the recycled material that is used in paper and
47 board in the uncoated paper and board section. It has not
48 been split out in the table above; it has only been split
49 out in the text below.
51 Q. What I am after is how you worked out the 13 million. When
52 the packaging manufacturers supply the packaging, do they
53 tell you how much weight of paper they use or is that
54 something you have worked out based on the percentage of
55 recycled content?
56 A. Yes.
58 Q. Which of those?
59 A. The latter.