Day 063 - 07 Dec 94 - Page 15

     1        A.  Yes, it is definitely more difficult.
     3   MR. MORRIS:  On page 93 of the McDonald's EDF report -- I did
     4        quote this before -- it says under labelling of recycled
     5        products:  "McDonald's will use the term 'recycled' only to
     6        refer to recycled content that has a significant
     7        post-consumer component.  For example, the Task Force
     8        discussed the best approach to communicating the results
     9        for a 1991 directive to McDonald's napkin suppliers to use
    10        100 per cent recycled content with a minimum 30 per cent
    11        post-consumer waste content."  So, McDonald's in the US
    12        will not use the term "recycled" unless there is a
    13        significant post-consumer component?
    14        A.  Yes.
    16   Q.   So under that position in April 1991, all of the items
    17        I think -- I cannot remember now -- that you have described
    18        as post-industrial waste -- I cannot remember now -- do you
    19        remember we went through all the items; it was the UK item
    20        but you said in Europe?
    21        A.  Yes.
    23   Q.   I cannot remember whether it was all of them -- you said
    24        that in the States under that position they would not be
    25        able to be labelled "recycled"?
    26        A.  In the States they would not be; they would probably
    27        take the decision not to label those as "recycled", yes.
    29   Q.   I will leave that.  I just wanted, while I am standing up
    30        and before Helen comes back, Mr. Rampton asked you about
    31        Perseco's partnership with McDonald's earlier on.  How well
    32        does McDonald's work together with its suppliers and,
    33        indeed, with Perseco?
    34        A.  How well do they work -- very well in my perspective.
    36   Q.   Yes, in terms of thinking with one mind, if you like, how
    37        close, how do the know what you are doing, how do you know
    38        what they want?
    39        A.  By keeping regularly in contact with them, talking to
    40        the various contact persons that we have.  I do not know
    41        what you are -----
    43   Q.   In terms of monitoring what suppliers are doing and what
    44        suppliers are saying.  I mean, for example, I can suggest a
    45        situation where suppliers would think:  "Well, we will just
    46        keep McDonald's happy and tell them any old rubbish about
    47        recycled content".  How closely do McDonald's really work
    48        with their suppliers?
    49        A.  You are asking me how closely do they check their
    50        suppliers?  I do not consider that to be just -- 
    51        co-operation exists in a bit more than just checking up on 
    52        your suppliers.  What you are asking me is, how often do 
    53        they check whether what the supplier states is actually
    54        true or not?
    56   Q.   And other -- I just want to know how they work together.
    58   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  To what extent does McDonald's monitor
    59        matters like that?
    60        A.  Well, part of my job both on quality and on

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