Day 063 - 07 Dec 94 - Page 14
1 "recycled".
3 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Is there any difficulty about this? I can
4 see that post-consumer is important for this reason, that
5 your pre-consumer/post-industrial waste like off-cuts when
6 you are stamping out cup lids or shapes which will be
7 folded up into packaging ---
8 A. Yes.
10 Q. -- that waste, you would expect the factory to collect and
11 put into recycling as a matter of course or they might well
12 do that because they do not want to waste that material, it
13 can be turned to good effect?
14 A. If somebody is going to -----
16 Q. What is not quite so obvious is that when you get to the
17 post-consumer stage people will bother to collect waste
18 material for recycling there. So it might be thought it is
19 important to concentrate on that kind of waste; it is less
20 likely to happen automatically than it is with the factory
21 offer cuts; is that right or not?
22 A. There are arguments for both. On the one hand,
23 post-consumer recycling schemes, you have to ask people to,
24 because that is often very mixed and contaminated waste in
25 general. If we talk about house to house recycling
26 schemes, the big problem with that is that separation is
27 not done perfectly; there will always be food
28 contamination.
30 Q. The pre-consumer/post-industrial waste is easy to collect?
31 A. Yes.
33 Q. What falls in one part of the factory is all the same?
34 A. Yes.
36 Q. So you do not have separation problems?
37 A. Yes.
39 Q. And it is unlikely to be contaminated or less likely to be
40 contaminated?
41 A. Yes, it is.
43 Q. So it may be thought that it does not need much
44 encouragement to collect and recycle that?
45 A. It depends on the economics.
47 Q. Maybe, what does need encouragement and is thought to be
48 worthwhile is the collection and separation of
49 post-consumer waste?
50 A. Well, that depends on (1) what you can do with the
51 material afterwards; (2) what are the efforts that you need
52 to put into it?
54 Q. But if ---
55 A. In collection -----
57 Q. -- it is thought worthwhile to collect that, you are going
58 to have to work a bit harder to encourage people to
59 collect, separate it and everything else than you are in
60 the factory situation?