Day 063 - 07 Dec 94 - Page 08
2 Q. How long has that been going on for?
3 A. It had started at the moment I joined the company. At
4 that point in time there were a few restaurants involved,
5 and I think over the first, in 1992, slowly all restaurants
6 were connected to that system. It is basically one truck
7 which is operated by McDonald's. That collects all
8 the -----
10 Q. All the waste?
11 A. -- various fractions from all McDonald's restaurants,
12 I think, every other day. They are then brought to a
13 centralised location from where the different fractions are
14 being picked up by recyclates.
16 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Can one truck get round all the outlets in
17 one day in Holland?
18 A. No. At this point in time they have got three trucks,
19 if I am not mistaken, and it is every other day.
21 Q. And they can cover all McDonald's restaurants in Holland,
22 do they?
23 A. Yes, they do.
25 Q. In one day?
26 A. Every other day each restaurant get serviced -- at
27 least that was the situation about two years ago.
29 MS. STEEL: Is it right there is a strong recycling movement in
30 Holland?
31 A. Yes.
33 Q. Has that been going for quite a long time?
34 A. Yes, I would say so.
36 Q. So did McDonald's bring in this scheme to become part of
37 that movement?
38 A. The precise reasons for doing it, you would have to ask
39 McDonald's.
41 Q. Right. You do not know?
42 A. No.
44 MR. MORRIS: Just some brief questions: Are you aware that in
45 Sweden and Switzerland there has been official concern
46 about the use of disposables? When I say "official
47 concern", I mean local councils discussing bylaws against
48 the use of disposables?
49 A. In Sweden?
51 Q. In Sweden.
52 A. I am aware of Switzerland -- Sweden?
54 Q. Do you want to just say what the situation in Switzerland
55 is or was?
56 A. In Switzerland there have been local councils who have
57 actually made a problem of it which is one of the reasons
58 why several of the studies have been brought in from
59 Switzerland, several studies comparing reusables versus
60 disposables.