Day 063 - 07 Dec 94 - Page 05
1 A. Yes, that was this, was it not?
3 Q. Is that it?
4 A. Yes.
6 Q. 28A.
8 MR. JUSTICE BELL: It looks as if the documents you referred to
9 have arrived, Mr. Rampton. What I suggest is we might take
10 a slightly longer than normal mid-morning break but carry
11 on for the time being. Have you identified it?
12 A. Yes, I have.
14 MR. MORRIS: 510L, I think it is the last page. At the bottom
15 it says 510L?
16 A. I have it, yes.
18 Q. There were various reviews going on, if you look down the
19 left-hand side, including a packaging review. This was
20 April 1990?
21 A. Yes.
23 Q. When you started at Perseco were you aware there had been
24 reviews before you started, say, on packaging?
25 A. That there had been reviews, yes, because, as I said,
26 I have had a predecessor who has done similar work as
27 I have done only not to the extent that I showed you in
28 packaging the material usage report.
30 Q. Yes. Did you have the benefit of seeing previous reviews
31 when you were looking into the whole packaging situation,
32 did you see the various reviews that have been done
33 for ----
34 A. I had seen -- I can recollect one review -- are you
35 referring to a particular review?
37 Q. This one here, just so I know that you have seen that
38 particular one; it seems to be an important one.
39 "Packaging Review, initial report completed for all
40 packaging products" -- "all", so it must have been pretty
41 substantial?
42 A. Yes, what we were doing then (and I have not been
43 involved in that one obviously) was merely inventorising,
44 making an inventorisation, of all the packaging items that
45 were there within McDonald's Europe, as it actually says,
46 investigate standard with the aim of investigating
47 standardisation. Just to give a simple example -----
49 Q. It says: "Perseco conducting a study on behalf of
50 McDonald's", so Perseco was actually doing that review?
51 A. Yes, basically, it was not anything more at that point
52 in time than getting all the products lined up and seeing
53 whether there were small differences between markets, big
54 differences between markets. I think graphic
55 standardisation and quality issues were the main goals at
56 that study.
58 Q. You still have a copy of that review somewhere in the
59 Perseco files?
60 A. I should have, I do not -- I would imagine so.