Day 063 - 07 Dec 94 - Page 02
1 December 7th, 1994.
3 MR. RAMPTON: My Lord, before we continue, having discussed the
4 matter with Mr. Van Erp last night, he took the view that
5 it would be easier from his point of view, rather than
6 setting somebody down in front of a computer to try to
7 collate all the figures and documents we mentioned
8 yesterday, simply to produce the documents. He has no
9 objection because they do not contain any information that
10 is commercially sensitive. At the moment they are being
11 copied. It is quite a fat pile. They are fairly easy to
12 understand. I have had a quick look at them. It may be
13 best -- it is entirely a matter for your Lordship -- when
14 they arrive if with Mr. Van Erp's help I go through them
15 and explain what they mean.
17 MR. JUSTICE BELL: When they arrive suggest we just take one
18 sheet and Ms. Steel or Mr. Morris or I, if they wish, will
19 merely ask Mr. Van Erp to explain what a typical sheet or a
20 typical sheet of those which has actually volunteered the
21 information dividing it into PI and PC percentages. Then
22 it might be that it would just be left there because,
23 presumably, the figures, when they are calculated, will
24 speak for themselves, and we can come back at any time in
25 the future and an analysis can be put in, if that is what
26 Ms. Steel and Mr. Morris produce, and what they want in.
28 MR. RAMPTON: The difficulty is, as I think Mr. Van Erp
29 foreshadowed yesterday, there is only a proportion of
30 suppliers that have actually broken it down into PI and PC.
32 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I suggest we wait and see. I would have
33 hoped we can avoid certainly going into detail on the
34 documents today. Apart from anything else, it will take
35 some time to look through them, but it may be Ms. Steel and
36 Mr. Morris, when you have seen a typical sheet, so long as
37 it is clear to you what it purports to say, then the rest
38 is just analysis of the papers for whatever that proves to
39 be worth. Let us leave it like that.
41 MR. RAMPTON: The only other thing is, my Lord -- it may be best
42 to leave it for re-examination, I do not know -- Mr. Van
43 Erp has brought with him some small packets, three small
44 packets, of recycled polystyrene foam at different stages
45 in its recycled life.
47 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I suggest, by all means deal with that in
48 re-examination. If Ms. Steel and Mr. Morris, knowing that
49 he has got them, do not ask him -- yes, thank you very
50 much.
52 MR. KASPER VAN ERP, Continued.
53 Cross-examined by the Defendants, Continued.
55 MS. STEEL: Are you aware of McDonald's Corporate and
56 Environmental Policy?
57 A. Yes, I am.
59 Q. Were you involved in the development of that?
60 A. It depends on which document you exactly refer to.