Day 056 - 28 Nov 94 - Page 23
1 the ones which perhaps are the ones concerning most
2 environmentalists, these are in the hands of State and
3 Federal ownership, either as National Parks or as State
4 Parks, or in the United States Forest Service Land.
6 Q. But there is clearfelling going on of large areas of land,
7 say in America, in particular, say, on private land?
8 A. There maybe examples -----
10 Q. In your experience?
11 A. There may be examples of it, but in point of fact the
12 state laws, wherever the forest regions are of
13 significance, will now have similar requirements on maximum
14 allowable cut to the ones we have been describing.
16 Q. Just to go back to, I believe it was, the West Coast of
17 Canada. You gave a figure on -- no, you said something
18 about the average in the last two or three years in British
19 Columbia as being 35 hectares in the last year or so,
20 something like that. Does that mean, if you say the
21 average, that some cuts would be greater than that and some
22 would be less than that?
23 A. I understand there may have been a maximum cut of 60
24 hectares in one or two instances.
26 Q. And up two or three years ago there was a much greater
27 problem, was there?
28 A. I think it was -----
30 Q. In terms of amount of areas being cut, clearfelled?
31 A. The situation was not attended to with such detailed
32 monitoring as applies now.
34 Q. So, higher areas of land were clearfelled in one go than 60
35 hectares more than two or three years ago?
36 A. We are speaking, I think, of existing mature forest
37 which would have had extraction of timber for sawmill
38 production, for plywood production and for board
39 production. The answer maybe that certain areas above 50
40 or 60 hectares may have been cleared, but it is fairly
41 limited.
43 Q. Are you aware of -----
45 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Are there about 250 hectares to a square
46 mile, something like that? Do you have the figure in your
47 head?
48 A. Of how many square mile? Gosh! Not straight out of my
49 head.
51 Q. Someone can probably work it out if they have a calculator
52 because on page 6 of your statement you say 1.46 square
53 miles is the equivalent of 378 hectares.
55 MR. RAMPTON: My Lord, I have to go through acres of which there
56 are 2.471 in a hectare and there are 640 acres in a square
57 mile.
59 MR. MORRIS: Is it true that the Canadian Forest Department have
60 said that something like four and a half million hectares