Day 056 - 28 Nov 94 - Page 21
2 Q. Over mature trees, though, have a particular ecological
3 advantage, do they not?
4 A. Some do.
6 Q. In general?
7 A. They can if they are providing habitat for particular
8 species of bird; they can if when they eventually fall to
9 the ground, as trees eventually will do, they provide a
10 habitat for various kind of insects and the like.
12 Q. Fungi?
13 A. Fungi and everything.
15 Q. In your third paragraph clearfelling of forests: It
16 happens in the remote areas of the USSR and, therefore,
17 might find their way in imports into Europe; is that
18 correct?
19 A. Yes, but clearfelling as a technique is applied in many
20 forest situations. I think the only point that I may have
21 been making about Russia is that there are some areas where
22 there may be neglect following clearfelling.
24 Q. They will not be replaced?
25 A. The areas cleared may be very large, and if there is
26 not any kind of deliberate attempt to reseed that area, it
27 would take a very long time for it to recover.
29 Q. If at all?
30 A. I think it really depends on weather conditions and
31 other influences as to whether it will recover but,
32 generally speaking, forests do recover.
34 Q. But if a large amount forest is cut down in one go, there
35 could be a problem, for example, with soil erosion?
36 A. Yes, if that is relevant to the area concerned in terms
37 of watersheds and the like, it could have that effect.
39 Q. Clearfelling of forests also occurs without sort of
40 regeneration or without what you call subsequent
41 management. It also happens in the United States and
42 Canada, does it not?
43 A. Without subsequent management?
45 Q. Yes.
46 A. Very unlikely.
48 Q. So, even if there is subsequent management, clearfelling of
49 large areas of forest, though, is ecologically damaging; is
50 that correct?
51 A. This is -----
53 Q. It is not something that is encouraged?
54 A. It is not something that is encouraged because it can
55 have effects on the ecology, but, in effect, actually
56 clearfelling of forest may be beneficial to certain animals
57 who will find foraging has been improved by the
58 clearfelling of forest.
60 Q. But that would be specific animals; whereas many other