Day 056 - 28 Nov 94 - Page 15

     1        were quoted in the Timber Trade's Journal.
     3   Q.   Would you like to read 5.3.2 and say if that is an accurate
     4        paragraph in terms of what it says, not in terms of whether
     5        you agree with the statement which is made.
     7   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Let me just remind myself of it first.
     8        A.  What Audery Dixon, the Editor of the Timber Trade
     9        Journal, is referring to there is that the definition of
    10        sustainable is still a matter evolving through the
    11        international conferences.  What she is also saying is that
    12        a forest managed for long term survival, demonstrating that
    13        and proving it by independent means, has not yet been a
    14        fully established national or international capability.
    16   MR. MORRIS:  So that paragraph is accurate in terms of what it
    17        reports?
    18        A.  I have no reason to think that Audery Dixon, Editor of
    19        the Timber Trades Journal, did not make that statement.
    21   Q.   Is she advisor to the "Forests Forever" campaign?
    22        A.  No, she is Editor of the Timber Trades Journal.
    24   Q.   Has she not advised the campaign at all?
    25        A.  At one time she was on the Advisory Council of the
    26        "Forests Forever".  She is not any longer on that Council.
    28   Q.   When was she on the Council?
    29        A.  She was on the Council before that date, but precisely,
    30        I would have to check precise dates, if you wish to know
    31        that.
    33   Q.   When did she leave, do you know, approximately, the
    34        Council?  Was she on the Council at that time?
    35        A.  By recollection, I would have said she was not, but
    36        I would have said she might have been in the early part
    37        of 1993.
    39   Q.   So, the definition of "sustainability" has not in what you
    40        said before, people have different definitions of it; is
    41        that correct?
    42        A.  I think it was extremely helpful that a definition was
    43        developed at the Helsinki conference which you have
    44        referred to, because it does cover the economic and the
    45        ecological considerations.
    47   Q.   So before that, was there confusion, presumably, because
    48        the forestry industry was talking about economic
    49        sustainability and the environmental movement was talking
    50        about ecological sustainability; would that be a fair 
    51        representation? 
    52        A.  In the broadest terms, they have been getting closer 
    53        and closer together over a period of years.  In other
    54        words, the environmental groups were talking about it
    55        entirely from an ecological point of view.  The industry
    56        was talking about it from a sustained yield point of view
    57        and in terms of well-managed forests.  The reason why the
    58        phrase "well-managed forests" was preferred in certain
    59        statements like the ones here, and there are phrases
    60        "well-managed forests" being used, is because

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