Day 056 - 28 Nov 94 - Page 12
1 1987/88 onwards. A great deal of environmental activity
2 began in the mid-1980s.
4 Q. That resulted in some kind of legal challenges, did it?
5 A. There were legal challenges in different parts of the
6 country according to the particular issues raised.
8 Q. I mean, I do not know much about those, but were those
9 brought by environmental organisations?
10 A. They tended to be brought by environmental
11 organisations who were organised so to do. I mean, in
12 other words, rather than by individuals, it was done by
13 environmental groups.
15 Q. Can you just give us a similar kind of timing for the other
16 countries, just very briefly, Canada, if you know of
17 course?
18 A. Canada has been deeply concerned about this and they
19 have had conferences which they have organised
20 internationally as well. Their concerns were very much
21 more West Coast concerns than anywhere else. There have
22 been relatively few matters raised by environmental groups
23 on the eastern side of Canada, as far as forest issues are
24 concerned. They have been mostly do to with Western Canada
25 and, therefore, the issues raised have been really
26 concerning British Columbia rather than anywhere else.
28 Q. So, is there an official government and industry position
29 on sustainability and biodiversity as expressed in these
30 statements?
31 A. Yes, there has within the last year, and that is the
32 end of 1993 and the beginning of 1994, been an accord
33 signed between a whole group of environmental organisations
34 and both federal and regional governments relating to
35 forestry. That accord incorporates similar statements, the
36 one from Helsinki on environmental responsibility.
38 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Does anyone have a copy of that? When you
39 say "an accord", is it several sheets of paper or one terse
40 statement?
41 A. No, it is quite a long document, my Lord, which I do
42 not have with me because the subject had not arisen -- but
43 it can be obtained.
45 MR. MORRIS: Again, the recognition of these principles, these
46 Helsinki, or similar to Helsinki principles, do you know
47 when Scandinavia or the specific countries in Scandinavia
48 officially adopted those kinds of principles?
49 A. Well, the Scandinavian countries have been evolving
50 their whole programme of forest management over many years,
51 and the principle by which they actually managed their
52 forests now, which is to mimic nature as much as possible,
53 have incorporated many environmental concerns for nature as
54 well as for growth of timber.
56 Q. This position on mimicking nature as much as possible, when
57 was that adopted as kind of official, legal -----
58 A. I think it has been a definition in the last four or
59 five years, but it has been their practice over many years
60 before. What they do in regenerating forest is allow as