Day 056 - 28 Nov 94 - Page 09

     1   MR. MORRIS:  The first quote I read out from the Helsinki
     2        Resolutions 1993 about sustainable management meeting the
     3        social, economic, ecological, cultural and spiritual needs
     4        of present and future generations, is that something which
     5        is in line with the United Nations?
     6        A.  Yes, it is.  In fact, that phraseology, I think, was
     7        adopted with some minor variation when the UN's CSD met.
     9   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, might I intervene -- I think I am right
    10        but maybe I am not and I am not often not -- I cannot find
    11        any volume of references for Mr. Hopkins; it may be that
    12        there is not one.
    14   MR. MORRIS:  They were all brought to court and left in court,
    15        in fact.  They are here behind -- I do not know if we ever
    16        actually did a list or anything.
    18   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  No.  Are they actually in your original
    19        documents here and there, or is this a separate and new
    20        bundle?
    22   MS. STEEL:   I think the thing is they are absolutely huge
    23        documents and it was not possible to copy them.  We did
    24        tell the Plaintiffs if they wanted to look at them they
    25        were here in court.
    27   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I am only enquiring at the moment what form
    28        they are in at the moment.
    30   MR. MORRIS:  They are just here in the originals.  What we could
    31        do, may be, is to photocopy the front pages as a reference
    32        and list them.
    34   THE WITNESS:  My Lord, if it is any help, the statement that
    35        Mr. Morris read out the, the last statement he read out, is
    36        close to the point of definition that I think most of us
    37        would accept.  What I am really saying is this definition
    38        has been changing over the years, and the only recent
    39        formation of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable
    40        Development, one of the first things they have been
    41        reviewing are the various definitions that have applied,
    42        and there have been tropical definitions and there have
    43        been definitions for temperate forest and so on.  But
    44        I think the one from the Helsinki forest was accepted
    45        in India when a subsequent conference took place within
    46        the last three months as being very close to the one which
    47        would be recommended to UN CSD.  It is an evolving problem,
    48        that is the thing, but if Mr. Morris would read it again,
    49        if he wants me to say "yes" or "no", I might be able to say
    50        whether I think it is a good definition. 
    52   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Read it slowly; apart from anything else, it 
    53        will get down almost word perfect on Case View then.
    55   MR. MORRIS:  It is page 4 of Mr. Hopkins's statement.
    57   MR. RAMPTON:  If Mr. Mallinson has some notes, given that we
    58        have not the references themselves, which he has made on
    59        Mr. Hopkins's statement, it might help, I do not know.

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