Day 055 - 25 Nov 94 - Page 12

     1        Advertisers' Dream?
     2        A.  Yes, they have.
     4   Q.   Specifically; not just because they are affiliates of NFA?
     5        A.  No.  They were fully consulted on the document, asked
     6        to comment on the document, asked to be involved in its
     7        preparation.  Many of those organisations, some of them are
     8        members of the National Food Alliance, some of them are
     9        not.
    11   Q.   For example, the National Farmers' Union, are they actually
    12        a member of the NFA?
    13        A.  Yes.  All the ones with asterisks are National Food
    14        Alliance members; and the two asterisks, National Food
    15        Alliance Observer status members.
    17        Part of the purpose of this document was to initiate
    18        discussions with the advertising regulatory bodies.  I and
    19        my colleagues held meetings with those.  Following meetings
    20        with the Independent Television Commission and in the light
    21        of Health of the Nation recommendations, which asks -----
    23   Q.   Sorry.  Does this predate the Health of the Nation, these
    24        Advertisers' Dream recommendations, do they predate -----
    25        A.  They are broadly concurrent.  There have been various
    26        documents that have come out from the Health of the Nation.
    28   Q.   And the NFA has been involved with Health of the
    29        Nation  ---
    30        A.  Yes.
    32   Q.   -- committees, and?
    33        A.  The NFA has representatives on various committees and
    34        on the overall Nutrition Task Force Committee.
    36   Q.   Again, has the NFA played a role in the development of the
    37        Health of the Nation initiative?
    38        A.  Yes.  The Health of the Nation initiative is a broad
    39        alliance which includes the voluntary sector.  The NFA, as
    40        I have just said, is represented.  It also includes members
    41        of the industry, it includes government, and it includes
    42        professionals, health professionals.  It is an alliance, a
    43        broad alliance, covering the sectors that have a role and
    44        an interest in this area.
    46        The Health of the Nation strategy has made advertising one
    47        of its priority areas, and the recommendations that have
    48        come out of that include (1) that the advertising
    49        regulatory bodies review their codes of practice in the
    50        light of the Health of the Nation. 
    52   MS. STEEL:   Is that the recommendation 2 in Advertisers' 
    53        Dream?
    55   MR. MORRIS:  You are looking at page 3.  Do you want to
    56        just  -----
    57        A.  I am referring to the recommendation that has been made
    58        by the Nutrition Task Force.
    60   Q.   Just hang on a second.

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