Day 054 - 24 Nov 94 - Page 22

     1   Q.   Then the comment which appears above table 63 or, rather,
     2        43?
     3        A.  The group discussions -- sorry, the qualitative
     4        research ---
     6   Q.   Yes.
     7        A.  -- in the quantitative research which was based on the
     8        semi-structured questionnaire, the results are given there
     9        in the following table, which showed that 13 per cent
    10        thought they were a good idea, 38 per cent quite a good
    11        idea, 36 per cent not a very good idea and 13 per cent a
    12        bad idea.  I think from that it can be shown that some
    13        mothers -- approximately half -- do not think that
    14        promotional gifts are a good idea.
    16   MS. STEEL:   Is that all the more so for those mothers who would
    17        not have so much money?
    18        A.  Yes, the figures there -----
    20   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  That is a sum I have done although, in fact,
    21        it is -----
    23   THE WITNESS:  It is not clear whether it is -----
    25   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  It might be said that among the groups who
    26        might be expected to have more money available, it is 57
    27        broadly in favour and 43 broadly against; whereas in the
    28        groups which might be thought to have less money available
    29        it is 45 broadly in favour and 55 broadly against; is that
    30        right?
    31        A.  Yes.  I think the discussion focused on gifts that
    32        would have included free gifts.  Perhaps if it had focused
    33        on gifts that had an additional expense to them, then
    34        perhaps the differences might have been more significant.
    35        The table at the bottom of the page lists some of the
    36        reasons that mothers gave why they were not happy with
    37        promotional gifts.
    39        Listed there are, firstly, that this puts too much pressure
    40        on parents which was reported by 33 per cent of those who
    41        expressed negative attitudes towards collectables.  51 per
    42        cent thought that they make children want things they will
    43        not actually eat; 29 per cent thought that most of the
    44        gifts are rubbish; 24 per cent thought it was better to
    45        drop the price of the product and 18 per cent said that it
    46        caused arguments with brothers and sisters; only two per
    47        cent they did not know.
    49   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  It is funny to imagine that anyone would not
    50        know why they are against something, but I suppose that is 
    51        bound to happen; in any sort of sample you are going to get 
    52        a small proportion of people who voice an opinion and then 
    53        cannot say why?
    54        A.  Yes, I think this is may be something that one gets.
    56   MS. STEEL:  Was that all you wanted to say on this document?
    57        A.  For the time being, yes.
    59   Q.   Continuing on the advertisements, McDonald's
    60        advertisements?

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