Day 054 - 24 Nov 94 - Page 20

     1        virtues that McDonald's extols in its advertising to
     2        children and, particularly, its emphasis on collectables
     3        which are not the food product, do fall within the area
     4        that Brian Young says could be regarded as a "more
     5        insidious form of advertising".  As I think I mentioned
     6        earlier, the advertising to adults tended more to focus on
     7        such points as price, taste and including availability;
     8        whereas the advertising to children does not to the same
     9        extent.
    11        He also makes the point -- sorry, just before that -- if
    12        I can refer back to when I talked about the use of other
    13        children in advertisements, he mentions there that -----
    15   MR. MORRIS:  Can you point out where it is on the page?
    16        A.  Yes, page 18 at the bottom of the first column:  "There
    17        is an a priori argument that, if the child in the ad is
    18        cast in a central role, then children as viewers will
    19        identify with the commercial".  A lot of these McDonald's
    20        advertisements, not only use children generally, but
    21        specifically use children playing with the collectables.
    23   MS. STEEL:  So, they are a central part?
    24        A.  I would say that they are; they are very much seen as
    25         -- they are playing with the collectable, they are
    26        enjoying playing with the collectable.  Not only is that
    27        going to increase the desire for the collectable amongst
    28        other children, but the fact that it is another child, it
    29        comes back to peer group pressure.
    31   Q.   They want to identify?
    32        A.  Yes, and, as Dr. Young points out, "... children as
    33        viewers will identify with the commercial".  Obviously,
    34        from an advertiser's point of view, that is very important.
    36   MR. MORRIS:  That would not just apply to the collectables,
    37        though, would it, if a child was central in an ad in any
    38        event?
    39        A.  Yes, yes.  It is said that children find slightly older
    40        children most appealing in an attraction to advertisement.
    41        Children want to be that little bit older, they want to be
    42        doing what slightly older children are allowed and capable
    43        of doing.  Also, it is said that boys are more appealing
    44        than girls; boys will identify with boys and girls will
    45        identify with boys, but boys are less likely to identify
    46        with girls.
    48   MS. STEEL:  Is there anything else you wanted to say about the
    49        use of collectables?
    50        A.  Yes, mothers have raised their own concerns about 
    51        collectables.  If I can refer you to another reference, A4 
    52        page 56? 
    54   Q.   The title of this, it is published by the Leatherhead
    55        Food  ----
    56        A.  Research Association.
    58   Q.   "Consumer focus.  Children's Eating Habits.  An In-depth
    59        Study of the Attitudes and Behaviour of Children Aged 6 to
    60        11, July 1991".

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