Day 050 - 10 Nov 94 - Page 07

     1        putting it in a slightly wrong way.
     3   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Justified -- found to be justified?
     4        A.  Yes; upheld.
     6   Q.   So what you are really saying is that, if they are upheld,
     7        it means the ITC had not seen that possible slant to what
     8        might be an example of what was being shown?
     9        A.  Yes, that is exactly correct.
    11   MS. STEEL:  How many complaints get made to the ITC?
    12        A.  I cannot give you a figure, but it would be several
    13        thousand in the course of a year; several hundred in the
    14        course of a month.
    16   Q.   Is it right that there is a pre-clearance system?
    17        A.  Yes.  I have just said that.  All scripts and all
    18        finished films have to be approved through the
    19        pre-clearance system; they cannot go on air without it.
    21   MS. STEEL:   So the pre-clearance system does not relate to the
    22        complaints actually getting through, like, the first hurdle
    23        before they actually get adjudicated?
    25   MR. JUSTICE BELL:   Are you talking about different things?
    27   MS. STEEL:   That is what I think.  I may be.  I am just trying
    28        to clarify it.
    30   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Ms. Steel is not talking about the
    31        pre-vetting.  It is whether you have to have leave to
    32        complain, as it were?
    33        A.  No, no.
    35   MS. STEEL:  So all complaints that get made get investigated?
    36        A.  Yes, indeed.
    38   MR. MORRIS:  So out of -- say, a reasonable figure could be 500
    39        a month, complaints; yes?
    40        A.  Yes.
    42   Q.   Four or five are validated or justified?
    43        A.  Yes.
    45   Q.   According to the British Standards.  So it is less than
    46        one per cent?
    47        A.  Yes.  It is in that area.
    49   Q.   You said, for example -- we will not go over it; it is old
    50        ground -- about the purpose of ads being persuasion and the 
    51        purpose of ads to children would be to persuade them to 
    52        want the product, that they would have to ask their parents 
    53        to get the product.  We do not want to go over old ground,
    54        but what I am saying is, specifically, advertisers are not
    55        allowed to have exhortation in the ads; yes?
    56        A.  They are not allowed to say to the -- they are not
    57        allowed to exhort children to go and pester their parents.
    59   Q.   But children are not allowed to be seen exhorting ---
    60        A.  That is right.

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