Day 049 - 09 Nov 94 - Page 41
1 Star Trek, who went all over the world. But that is not
2 really shown any more.
4 Q. But that was only shown to 14 to 18 year-olds?
5 A. Yes.
7 Q. Did you show any other videos to younger----
8 A. No, I did not, no. There was not a suitable video for
9 younger people.
11 Q. Just one more thing about that film. There was something
12 in it about growth promoters used in cattle. I think there
13 were two references. Do you remember the exact wording?
14 A. No, not the exact wording.
16 MR. MORRIS: I just say, again, that if the Plaintiffs want to
17 rely on any point about the wording of growth promoters,
18 they should provide a transcript, because it is my
19 understanding that they were talking both about hormonal
20 growth promoters and non-hormone growth promoters in two
21 different parts of the film.
23 MR. JUSTICE BELL: If any point is going to be made in due
24 course on what is said, as opposed to what is shown, it
25 would be helpful if someone makes a transcript for the
26 purpose of the argument of at least that part of the video.
28 MR. MORRIS: The last but one point is the letter that you got
29 to the youth magazine of The Vegetarian Society, Green
30 Scene, from McDonald's, regarding an article that appeared
31 in Green Scene. Is that correct?
32 A. Yes.
34 Q. Did you write that article?
35 A. No. It was an interview with Morrissey, the pop star.
37 Q. It was his words, was it?
38 A. It was his words, yes.
40 Q. If, at the end of the case, it was found out that
41 McDonald's had lied to Green Scene and The Vegetarian
42 Society in order to get an apology, for example, about
43 their non-use of ex-rainforest land, how would you feel
44 about that?
45 A. Deceived, I suppose, and upset; and I would want to
46 redress the situation.
48 Q. Would you feel that it may reflect upon the quality of
49 information from the company, in general?
50 A. Yes, I would.
52 Q. The final question is: do you have a grudge against
53 McDonald's?
54 A. No, I do not.
56 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Do you have any questions, Ms. Steel? I am
57 not suggesting you should, but, as you are a separate
58 party, I am reminding you that you can ask, if you wish.
60 MS. STEEL: No.