Day 049 - 09 Nov 94 - Page 37
1 they all have a great nutritional knowledge.
3 Q. Then I come back to it: what is your objection to the
4 association between ronald mcdonald and the medical and
5 dental professions?
6 A. Because the endorsement by the dental and medical
7 profession is saying to those children that there is
8 absolutely nothing wrong with eating McDonald's products
9 and, from so many health reports from all over the world,
10 they are saying that children should cut down on the junk
11 food that they eat, not increase it, and not be told that
12 it is a good thing to do. They should be actively
13 discouraged from eating it.
15 Q. How do you know that dentists, doctors and, I may add,
16 parents throughout this country, most of whom are
17 reasonably grown up, are not actually telling their
18 children and, indeed, making their children eat a balanced
19 diet? What evidence do you have?
20 A. I read a survey which said that 50 percent of British
21 children did have a junk food diet and that three quarters
22 of them ate too much saturated fat in their diet.
24 Q. When did you read that?
25 A. About four months ago -- the latter.
27 Q. Who was it published by?
28 A. I am afraid I cannot remember.
30 Q. Who was it done by?
31 A. I cannot remember. If I had known I was going to be
32 asked those kinds of questions, I would have looked them
33 up, but I have not got that kind of memory.
35 Q. Do you know Ms. Sue Dibb and Mr. Tim Lobestein of the
36 Food Commission?
37 A. I know who they are. I do not know them greatly or
38 anything.
40 Q. Do you read their literature?
41 A. Yes, I do. I also read that of the World Health
42 Organisation, which says what I have just been saying that
43 people, especially children, should be eating more fresh
44 fruit and vegetables, more fibre, less sugar and less
45 saturated fat, and it does not seem to me that McDonald's
46 exactly fall in line with those recommendations.
48 Q. No, Ms. Gallatley, they probably do not, and I do not
49 suppose you eat seven meals a week or three meals a day,
50 seven days a week at McDonald's, either, do you?
51 A. No, I do not, but I think what McDonald's are doing by
52 their advertising, very heavy advertising to very young
53 children, is encouraging them to eat it too much and too
54 often.
56 Q. Do you have any evidence that it is actually happening?
57 A. Yes. As I have just said, unfortunately, I cannot
58 produce these documents, but I have read that 50 percent of
59 British children are on a junk food diet and I have heard
60 that quoted by many medical doctors.