Day 049 - 09 Nov 94 - Page 35
1 they feel so strongly about McDonald's, and we will just
2 talk about it.
4 Q. You will tell them, in effect, that they should not go to
5 McDonald's because of the poor fluffy animals that are
6 sacrificed to make McDonald's meals?
7 A. I doubt that I would use the words "poor fluffy
8 animals". I would probably use the words "cows, pigs and
9 chickens".
11 Q. It is an exercise in missionary work, what you do or did,
12 is it not; you are trying to convert the children?
13 A. I certainly do not feel like a missionary. I just feel
14 like I am putting the other side of the story, which is
15 very rarely put to people, because we do not have the money
16 that McDonald's have.
18 Q. Are you going on doing this sort of work?
19 A. Yes, I am.
21 Q. If in all, or of these respects, it turns out that
22 McDonald's has a clean bill of health, will you tell the
23 children that?
24 A. I do not see how you can stop the cows that McDonald's
25 kill from producing slurry which goes into the water and
26 pollutes it. I do not see how you can stop them producing
27 methane, which is a big cause of global warming, or how you
28 can stop them from needing more land than it takes to grow
29 crops to feed directly to people. You simply cannot do
30 that; it is impossible.
32 Q. There is a good example, Ms. Gallatley. You mention
33 methane. In fact, we have had nothing about slurry in this
34 case at all, so we cannot talk about slurry, but we have
35 had quite a bit about methane. Can I recommend to you,
36 before you start telling children about McDonald's
37 responsibility for methane, that you read the evidence of
38 Professor Duxbury, as well as the judgment, at the end of
39 the case?
40 A. Of course. But I have read evidence from all over the
41 world already.
43 Q. You see, you are just a zealot, really, are you not; you
44 are not an educator?
45 A. I do not see myself as a zealot. Again, I am repeating
46 myself, but I just see myself as putting forward a
47 viewpoint which is the reality of meat production.
49 Q. Do you know Mr. Peter Cox?
50 A. Yes. Well, I know of him. I have met him about twice.
52 Q. Do you know Claire Druce?
53 A. I have met her a couple of times, as well, yes.
55 Q. Do you know Andrew Tyler?
56 A. I do not know him. I know who he is.
58 Q. Do you know a film production company called Cahoots that
59 made that film?
60 A. Again, I do not really know them, but I have heard of