Day 049 - 09 Nov 94 - Page 33
1 sentient -- well, we are all sentient creatures -- were
2 actually fully conscious. I said in a survey by the RSPCA
3 53 percent of young bulls were. That is a general
4 statement for the conditions in the UK.
6 Q. I still want to know -- apart from the chickens having to
7 live inside a nice warm shed, away from parasites and
8 predators -- where the impurities in McDonald's lies in
9 relation to the treatment of the animals which are used in
10 making their products?
11 A. Well, at the risk of repeating myself, it is just the
12 general conditions that have been illustrated there. I
13 have seen nothing to show me that McDonald's treat their
14 animals any better than the average intensive farmer in
15 Britain and they do not kill them in any different
16 abattoirs. It is generally the same.
18 Q. Have you ever visited a McDonald's abattoir?
19 A. I have visited an abattoir. I do not know if it was a
20 McDonald's abattoir. From my understanding, what I have
21 been told is that McDonald's use the same abattoirs as
22 other companies, use the EEC registered abattoirs in
23 Britain.
25 Q. You said at some stage in your evidence -- again, it may
26 have been while the screen was down, I do not know -- that
27 you observed that the children felt it hypocritical to go
28 to McDonald's because of bad publicity, or words to that
29 effect. Do you remember saying that?
30 A. Yes, I do.
32 Q. What did you mean by that?
33 A. I meant that, with some children, if they -- or
34 teenagers more in this case -- if they became a vegetarian,
35 they thought that they should not go into McDonald's
36 because they had heard bad publicity, generally, that
37 McDonald's kill animals, are responsible for destroying the
38 environment and, therefore, they thought it would be
39 hypocritical as a vegetarian to visit the chain store.
41 Q. They would have heard that sort of publicity from people
42 like you, would they not?
43 A. I do not specifically target McDonald's in what I say.
45 Q. You do not think that film targets McDonald's?
46 A. It does mention the Big Mac, I agree with that.
48 Q. No doubt you discussed that film in detail with the
49 children, or did you, when you had shown it to them, and
50 they all said, "We go to McDonald's", no doubt you
51 discussed the film in the context of McDonald's?
52 A. No, very rarely do you discuss the whole film in the
53 context of McDonald's. McDonald's would usually only come
54 up at the questions and answers at the end, when they were
55 talking about the practicalities of being a vegetarian and
56 not feeling normal in not going there.
58 Q. No doubt if they said, "Do McDonald's really do that sort
59 of thing to animals", you would you have said, "Yes, of
60 course they do"?