Day 049 - 09 Nov 94 - Page 25

     1                        (The Short Adjournment)
     3                                                     2 p.m.
     6   MR. RAMPTON:  I am afraid we have a problem with the machine,
     7        rather with the tape.  I do not know if Mr. Styles has told
     8        you.  It will not seem to play.  When I saw it for the
     9        first time this morning in chambers, it worked perfectly
    10        all right on the little television we have got there.
    11        Mr. Hill has gone back to chambers to see if it will work
    12        again.  That might take a few minutes more.
    14        There are some questions I can ask Ms. Gallatley, not
    15        arising out of the tape, obviously, but in relation to
    16        other matters, but I am not sure if that is particularly
    17        good use of your Lordship's time.
    19        There are some quite pertinent questions I wish to ask
    20        arising out of that tape, but they will not make any sense
    21        until your Lordship has seen it.  Your Lordship may think
    22        it is right to adjourn for half an hour, or so?
    24   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  That seems the most sensible.  How long do
    25        you anticipate your cross-examination might be, apart from
    26        questions on the tape?
    28   MR. RAMPTON:  About another 20 minutes.
    30   MS. STEEL:  Obviously, we did not know this was coming up until
    31        today and we have not seen the video.  We wanted to ask
    32        whether we can speak to the witness after the video has
    33        been shown?
    35   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  What I suggest is what Mr. Rampton has, in
    36        fact, suggested.  I will go back to my room, and I will
    37        just wait there, unless the delay is very, very long.  We
    38        have an expectation of seeing the video and having your
    39        cross-examination for the rest of the afternoon.
    41   MR. RAMPTON:  There is no question about that.  As to what
    42        Ms. Steel has just said, I am rather doubtful about that.
    43        It does seem to me that this is a videotape which, until
    44        this morning, we did not know was what it appears to be.
    45        It is mentioned in Ms. Gallatley's statement, and I am
    46        somewhat surprised that the Defendants have not had the
    47        initiative to request a copy of the video and to disclose
    48        it.
    50   MS. STEEL:  It is not mentioned in her statement, specifically, 
    51        and it is not relevant to the area she was giving evidence 
    52        on.  She was giving evidence on the views expressed by 
    53        children, not about what The Vegetarian Society does.
    55   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  It might or might not have been relevant, and
    56        had you been counsel or your solicitor, you might have
    57        thought of saying, "We had better see the video."  But
    58        however that may be, in the circumstances of this case, I
    59        see no harm in having a short adjournment, which is all
    60        that it should require, and, at the end of your

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