Day 049 - 09 Nov 94 - Page 24
1 MR. JUSTICE BELL: What I suggest is, I will leave court in a
2 moment. You actually have it there, do you?
4 MR. RAMPTON: Yes. We found it last night. We were not sure
5 that is what it was of course, until I got the answer that
6 I did just now.
8 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I was just considering whether it would help
9 at all if, after I left, Ms. Gallatley saw the first minute
10 or two in order to see whether it is the right one. But we
11 can perfectly well do that with me in court.
13 MR. RAMPTON: I would much rather do that with your Lordship in
14 court.
16 MR. JUSTICE BELL: The only thing is, if she then says "no" and
17 I have seen part the video, I have seen something I do not
18 want to see.
20 MR. RAMPTON: Maybe we can show just the first couple of minutes
21 now, or else we can show the closing titles on which
22 Ms. Gallatley's name appears.
24 MR. JUSTICE BELL: What I suggest is, let us check now that it
25 is the right one, and then we will see the rest of it at
26 two o'clock.
28 MR. MORRIS: Can we just make a fairly predictable point, that
29 it is strange that the Plaintiffs have only found an
30 important document the night before and not served it on us
31 this morning, and the statement has been in evidence for a
32 whole year. But we are not making any formal objections
33 that it is shown.
35 (An extract from the video tape was shown)
37 MR. RAMPTON: (To the witness) That is the one?
38 A. It is. That is a dreadful copy.
40 MR. JUSTICE BELL: It is just enough to identify it, probably.
41 Do you want to ask a question about that, and then we will
42 break off?
44 MR. RAMPTON: No, my Lord. It has been identified, and we will
45 show it after the adjournment. There is one question I
46 should ask, my Lord.
48 (To the witness) Is that video still being used, do you
49 know?
50 A. Not by myself, but yes.
52 Q. Is it still being used by The Vegetarian Society?
53 A. I should think so. I do not know. I am not there.
55 Q. When did you leave The Vegetarian Society?
56 A. Last November.
58 Q. Were you still using it at the time when you left?
59 A. Yes.