Day 049 - 09 Nov 94 - Page 06
1 one.
3 MR. JUSTICE BELL: We will sort that out later in the day.
6 Examined by MS. STEEL
8 MS. STEEL: Can you give your name to the court, please?
9 A. Juliette Gallatley.
11 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Are you Miss, Mrs. or Ms.; which do you
12 prefer?
13 A. Ms.
15 MS. STEEL: Could you give your business address, please, to the
16 court?
17 A. Well, I just give Woodside Cottage, Crofts Lane,
18 Nr. Crewe, CW1 4RG.
20 Q. Is it right that from 1987 to 1993 you were director of
21 Youth Education and Campaigns at The Vegetarian Society?
22 A. That is correct.
24 Q. You were editor of Green Scene Magazine from 1987 to 1992?
25 A. That is correct.
27 Q. That is a magazine for ten to 17 year-olds?
28 A. That is right.
30 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Can you keep both your voices up? There is a
31 tendency, when you are closer together than anyone else, to
32 talk to each other rather than to the court at large.
34 MS. STEEL: You were the editor and joint researcher, author of
35 Vegetarian Issues, a Resource Pack for Secondary Schools,
36 in 1992?
37 A. I was, yes.
39 Q. Can you tell us, what is your area of expertise relevant to
40 this case, please?
41 A. I have probably given more school talks on the subject
42 of food issues related to vegetarianism and meat than
43 anybody else in Britain, and I have given about 500 or so
44 talks to children from the ages of seven to 18. I have
45 also given an awful lot of talks to adult groups, as well,
46 separately.
48 Q. You said in your statement that you have got experience
49 about the views of those children that you talked to?
50 A. Yes. Well, when you give a talk, you are actively
51 asked by the teachers to have a debate area in those talks,
52 where you just really talk to those children and teenagers
53 about their views on all these issues; and so, over a
54 number of years, I have built up a lot of knowledge of what
55 children's views are in the UK to things like McDonald's.
57 Q. How did you come to give talks at schools? Were you
58 invited, or did you approach the schools, or what?
59 A. It is both. The schools would either call
60 The Vegetarian Society and invite you to do a talk, or you