Day 048 - 08 Nov 94 - Page 12

     2   Q.   That is not true, though, is it?
     3        A.  What do you mean?
     5   Q.   Well, price-wise, it may be true but, in terms of exposure,
     6        there is actually more advertisements on television aimed
     7        at children than there are at adults?
     8        A.  Well, we buy ratings in the UK, and it is roughly -- we
     9        buy roughly twice as many adult ratings as we do children's
    10        ratings during the course of the year.  We actually do not
    11        buy them that way; we buy them by campaign. It does not
    12        really mean much to us to add them up but, typically, it is
    13        about half of the adult goes to the children.
    15   Q.   How do you mean?  I am sorry, I am not sure I understood
    16        that.
    17        A.  Twice as much of the ratings -- let us say we have
    18        8,000 ratings in a year that go to adults; we have about
    19        4,000 ratings to children.
    21   Q.   How long does a campaign run for, then?
    22        A.  It varies.  It may be -- it could be as low as ten
    23        days; it may be two weeks, or three weeks, or four weeks.
    25   Q.   Then how many times would an advertisement be shown over
    26        that period?
    27        A.  Well, again, that varies according to what you are
    28        advertising and, obviously, the weight of advertising.  We
    29        might say, typically, that a children's campaign during the
    30        course of the campaign may be seen by about 70 percent of
    31        the audience three or four times during that period.  But
    32        it varies.
    34        I mean, if you are giving away something for nothing, you
    35        do not have to expose that message to someone as much as if
    36        you are asking them to do something they have never done
    37        before.
    39   Q.   I am not sure I understood that.
    40        A.  If a company decided tomorrow to give away £10 notes,
    41        they would probably only have to communicate that once and
    42        the message would be forthcoming.
    44   Q.   But in terms of what McDonald's is doing?  I mean, I do not
    45        think McDonald's is giving away £10 notes.
    46        A.  No, but sometimes we have done promotions that have
    47        been very, very attractive to people.  Therefore, once you
    48        have communicated the once, most people will be aware of it
    49        and take up the offers.  So you do not have the same amount
    50        of advertising going out for every different promotion you 
    51        are doing or, indeed, ronald mcdonald advertising; it 
    52        varies. 
    54   Q.   So how is it booked, then?
    55        A.  It is booked through our advertising agency to purchase
    56        a certain number of ratings, and that may be to buy, say,
    57        of a particular audience, 70 percent coverage of the target
    58        audience seeing it roughly three times.
    60   Q.   How many times would they show it to get 70 percent of the

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