Day 046 - 04 Nov 94 - Page 14

     1        If you have a positive case to put, that X per cent of this
     2        or that X number of children see that, or that children ads
     3        go out X times a week, then put it.  I am not going to stop
     4        you exploring further, but we have got really quite a lot
     5        of information upon which, in due course, you can argue
     6        that I should draw this conclusion or that conclusion.
     8   MS. STEEL:   (To the witness) The advertising directed at
     9        adults, is that quite often promotions, or is it mainly
    10        promotions, or what?
    11        A.  No.  It includes both promotional advertising and
    12        general attribute, or goods and service advertising about
    13        our food or the attributes of McDonald's being fast or
    14        clean, a place where you can take your family.
    16   Q.   Do you know about what percentage in terms of those, either
    17        promotions or just general?
    18        A.  It is probably 60/40, promotions being 40, general
    19        being 60; somewhere in that neighbourhood.
    21   Q.   When you do the promotions for adults, did you say they do
    22        not have to be split 50/50 like the children's ones?
    23        A.  That is correct.  You can have a full commercial
    24        featuring whatever activity that you are doing.
    26   Q.   What about the split for children?  I suppose it is made
    27        more complicated by the fact that even the promotions are
    28        50/50, but what percentage of the advertisements would be
    29        solely just general things about McDonald's or
    30        McDonaldland?
    31        A.  That has changed as we have had more Happy Meals, but
    32        I think currently it is about 60/40 the other way:
    33        60 per cent promotion and 40 per cent child.
    35   Q.   Do you know what it would have been a few years ago?  Has
    36        it changed a lot?
    37        A.  Probably -- no.  Probably the same, or somewhat the
    38        same.
    40   MR. MORRIS:  The Happy Meal promotions have been very
    41        successful; yes?
    42        A.  Yes.
    44   Q.   What percentage of the adult advertising would be the
    45        Happy Meal promotions to adults?
    46        A.  It is very low; it is probably, out of those 270
    47        impressions, it is probably 12.  So you can use that as a
    48        percentage.  I do not know that percentage is.  It is about
    49        five per cent, or less.
    51   Q.   So does that mean that the success of the Happy Meal 
    52        promotion is marginally due to the children's takeup, 
    53        concentrating on the children rather than concentrating on
    54        the adverts?
    55        A.  Yes.  I do not have any numbers that would say how many
    56        parents -- what the parents feel and what the child feels.
    57        The only numbers is what I talked about the other day, that
    58        the visit to McDonald's, generally, the child plays an
    59        important role in about 50 per cent of the visits; the
    60        parents plays a role in the other 50 per cent.

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