Day 045 - 03 Nov 94 - Page 48
1 that we are growing the category; we are going after the
2 share of category; we want a bigger share of those that are
3 already out; and this is indicative that the competition
4 had gotten-----
6 Q. But McDonald's is the world's largest food service
7 organisation, is it not? I believe you said you were ahead
8 of your competitors in America, as well?
9 A. Yes. We are ahead of them, but they have a significant
10 share.
12 Q. But you have largest share of the market already?
13 A. Yes, we have a large share of the marketplace. All our
14 competitors put together, obviously, have a significantly
15 greater share of the marketplace.
17 Q. Going on to page 207, under the breakfast menu, the third
18 dot down, it says:
20 "The most popular breakfast combination continues to be
21 the entree and beverage, purchased by roughly half of the
22 breakfast customers."
24 Can you just explain what an "entree" is?
25 A. An entree would be a breakfast sandwich or scrambled
26 eggs, and a beverage obviously would either be orange juice
27 or coffee. A very small percentage of people have soft
28 drinks, but there are a few at breakfast time period.
30 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Would a burger with fries be a combination
31 meal, for instance?
32 A. It would not be positioned as a combination meal. If
33 you wanted a burger and fries, you would buy pretty much on
34 an a la carte basis.
36 Q. That would not just be entree and beverage; that would be
37 entree----
38 A. Yes. A combination meal after 11 o'clock, or during
39 the rest of the day, would include an entree or a sandwich,
40 french fries and a soft drink. They would be packaged in
41 that way, too, if you want to get it versus a la carte. At
42 breakfast at this time, we have some markets that are
43 experimenting with some meal combinations t breakfast, as
44 well.
46 Q. My point is this, that, I do not know, I may be faced at
47 the end of the case with calculations of various kinds in
48 relation to what your breakfast, heavy user or super heavy
49 user has in his meal. When you say, "The most popular
50 breakfast combination continues to be the entree and
51 beverage", I want to know whether that, to you, means a bun
52 of some kind and a drink?
53 A. Yes.
55 Q. Or a bun of some kind, french fries and drink?
56 A. No. It does not include french fries; it just includes
57 the sandwich and the drink.
59 Q. That is what I thought.
60 A. That the most popular combination bought at breakfast