Day 045 - 03 Nov 94 - Page 46
1 17.6 visits)."
3 Do you know why that is, why there should be an exception
4 with the Ronald segment?
5 A. No. I think that more and more restaurants, or at
6 least McDonald's, I think, makes a good proposition to this
7 age group and our marketing has been successful.
9 Q. Is that an area that you kind of targeted?
10 A. Children are certainly one of the age groups that we
11 advertise to.
13 Q. The last paragraph under that section says:
15 "The Percentage of McDonald's customers who visit
16 McDonald's and take food to eat at home has increased
17 significantly....."
19 Is that something that you would like to encourage? Is
20 that something you try to encourage with the advertising,
21 and things like that?
22 A. Again, if they do not have time to cook at home and
23 they want a fast convenient meal to bring home, this is
24 certainly a good alternative.
26 Q. You would like them to think about visiting McDonald's to
27 get a meal from there to eat at home?
28 A. Yes.
30 Q. On to page 206: "Three-quarters of McDonald's volume
31 results from heavy users visits." Then it says, under that
32 heading: "Nearly 3 out of 4 visits to McDonald's are made
33 by heavy users"?
34 A. Yes. I think it shows that it has declined a bit. But
35 that is correct.
37 Q. "The lunch daypart contains the largest percentage of heavy
38 users for any daypart."
40 Can you explain that? This is not a trick question. I am
41 just not quite sure what that meant.
42 A. You want to know?
44 Q. Yes.
45 A. Well, most of our business, the predominant amount of
46 business, is done during the lunch time period; and that
47 would be what I think is the most used time period for
48 quick service restaurants. So, therefore, it is logical
49 that the percentage of heavy users would be highest at that
50 time period.
52 MS. STEEL: Right. There was a thing about breakfast visit.
54 MR. RAMPTON: 204.
56 MS. STEEL: "Breakfast daypart has the strongest following of
57 heavy McDonald's users." What is the difference between --
58 there may be some subtlety that I am not understanding.
59 A. There may be some subtlety I am not understanding, as
60 well. It may have to do with the proportion of the