Day 045 - 03 Nov 94 - Page 43
2 MR. MORRIS: (To the witness) So do your super heavy users eat
3 at McDonald's three to five times a week and constitute an
4 overwhelming 77 per cent of sales or 75 per cent of sales?
5 A. I am not sure of the three to five times, but I believe
6 it is in that general area. A super heavy user of
7 McDonald's is someone, as I said, who eats at McDonald's 10
8 times or more a month, and the average is right around
9 that, three or four times a week.
11 Q. The SHU is a specific category that McDonald's has defined;
12 an SHU category is defined?
13 A. Yes. As I think I mentioned yesterday, it is a
14 specific target, yes. These are people who currently-----
16 MR. JUSTICE BELL: The company is quite content that you should
17 seek to persuade people who may, for instance, already eat
18 three or four times at McDonald's to eat more often still?
19 A. Yes, but in the general category, these are people who
20 eat out a great deal, and that is the category that we
21 would like to get a bigger share of their eating-out
22 experiences at McDonald's. The average amount they eat a
23 week is certainly part of that, but the majority is not
24 necessarily to increase someone who already comes to
25 McDonald's, but to take visits away from somebody else
26 during that time period. So, for example, if I ate out
27 five times a week at a quick service restaurant, we would
28 like to have the majority of those visits, if not all of
29 those visits.
31 MR. MORRIS: Just to clarify on that point, the people defined
32 in that, that we have just spoken about, are the super
33 heavy users -- say, three to five times a week, whatever --
34 and they would be eating out at other fast-food places that
35 would be your direct competitors, as well?
36 A. That is correct.
38 Q. Right. For that reason, you would hope to have them
39 increase their percentage at McDonald's?
40 A. Yes. In the main, what we have found is that a person
41 has particular habits of eating, and they will distribute,
42 let us say, five or six visits over a period of time to a
43 number of quick service restaurants. So the idea is that
44 any visit that is going to someone else is the best target
45 for us to have them come to us, instead of going to someone
46 else.
48 Q. I think you said before that 18 to 34 year-olds are the
49 grouping that most use fast-food as a whole?
50 A. Yes, that is probably---
52 Q. That kind of diet.
53 A. ----one of the bigger users of quick service
54 restaurants as a whole, yes.
56 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Can we put that away?
58 MR. MORRIS: That particular document, yes.
60 MR. JUSTICE BELL: You are going back, are you, to pink VIA,