Day 045 - 03 Nov 94 - Page 29

     1   Q.   That is the idea of it, to get free publicity?
     2        A.  Yes, it is.
     4   MR. MORRIS:   Do you remember that in 1973 there was a
     5        commercial which you did -- when I say "you", your
     6        department -- which received the 1973 Clio Advertising
     7        Award as the year's best commercial in the Retail Food
     8        Restaurant category -- "Lonely Mom", it was called.  Do you
     9        know what "Clio" is?
    10        A.  It is called a "Clio", and it is given by other people
    11        in the advertising industry as an award for what they think
    12        are the best commercials of the year.  In 1973 I had just
    13        joined the company; I was Assistant Marketing Manager in
    14        Tampa, Florida, and I was not involved at all in the
    15        development of commercials.
    17   Q.   Do you remember that commercial?  Do you remember that it
    18        won that prize?
    19        A.  We have won many Clios.  I do not remember the
    20        commercial "Lonely Mom".  But, yes, we have won a number of
    21        Clios over the last 20 some years that I know.
    23   Q.   You do not remember that commercial at all?  You have not
    24        seen it, or you remember the fact it was made, or what?
    25        A.  Unless I knew the storyline of the commercial, the
    26        actual title of the commercial does not register yet with
    27        me, but if there was a storyline, it might in fact
    28        register.
    30   Q.   Do you know about an advertising campaign in
    31        Readers Digest; it was an advertising insert in 18.9
    32        million copies of Readers Digest for a half million dollar
    33        sweepstake, McDonald's advertising.  The ad listed
    34        pre-selected numbers that readers were asked to take to
    35        their local McDonald's.  This is around about the end of
    36        the 60s, early 70s?
    37        A.  I was not with the company at that time.
    39   Q.   Have you heard about that?
    40        A.  I do remember that there was some discussion about
    41        Readers Digest and sweepstakes, and there was some ruling
    42        that happened within the context of that, but it was before
    43        my time.  But I do remember some discussions about that.
    45   Q.   The Federal Trade Commission charged McDonald's with having
    46        misrepresented the offer of the 15,610 prizes listed, only
    47        227 were actually awarded for a total value of $13,000.  Do
    48        you remember that the Federal Trade Commission made that
    49        criticism?
    50        A.  I do not remember the specific criticism, but 
    51        I remember a discussion there had been as to a ruling by 
    52        the FTC about the contest.  I remember that rules and 
    53        regulations -- at least, internal rules and regulations --
    54        that were put into effect after that, mentioned that this
    55        was in compliance with what had happened with the Federal
    56        Trade Commission.
    58   Q.   Right.  So, in fact, the Federal Trade Commission did rule
    59        that McDonald's had misrepresented the offer?
    60        A.  I am not exactly sure what they ruled, but they did

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