Day 045 - 03 Nov 94 - Page 28
1 the press releases that went out to the financial
2 community. So he may, in fact, have been at some financial
3 meetings with outside finance people. But I think the
4 characterisation there, from my experience, is not
5 accurate.
7 Q. Do you know that he used to accompany President Turner to
8 important security analyst meetings?
9 A. As I said, he did have the role of public relations to
10 security analysts, and he may, in fact, have gone to a
11 security analyst meeting with Mr. Turner. I am not aware
12 of it, but that would be within the normal course of
13 things.
15 MS. STEEL: When did McDonald's sell its 12 billionth hamburger;
16 do you know when it was?
17 A. No. I could not tell you when it was.
19 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Was it a big media event?
20 A. Well, usually----
22 Q. Can you remember?
23 A. ----at points of time, when we were at 10 billion and
24 20 billion and 30 billion. I do not remember 12 as being a
25 specific event.
27 MS. STEEL: Do you remember whether any statistics were prepared
28 by Cooper and Golin to say how the total of 12 billion
29 hamburgers stacked in one pile would form a pyramid 782
30 times larger than that of Snefra----
31 A. Larger than that of what?
33 Q. Snefra?
34 A. It is a reference, I think, to an Egyptian pyramid.
35 I know there have been times when Golin and others have
36 tried to put together some statistics like that, of how
37 many hamburgers would stretch-----
39 MR. JUSTICE BELL: It is a purely mathematical calculation?
40 A. Yes; how many times it might stretch around going to
41 the moon and back; very fanciful, but sometimes public
42 relations agencies have fun doing that.
44 MS. STEEL: I do not know whether you have maybe heard of this
45 one: "Greater London was the area required to accommodate
46 all the cattle standing flank to flank that had gone into
47 the making of the 12 billion burgers"?
48 A. No, I do not remember that one.
50 Q. You have not heard of that one. You know that he uses
51 these kind of statistics, anyway?
52 A. Yes. I have seen a number of uses of statistics of how
53 many hamburgers McDonald's has sold or how many soft drinks
54 McDonald's has sold.
56 Q. That was kind of issued as, what, like a news release, or
57 something like that?
58 A. Yes, on a public relations basis, it seems to get
59 picked up by the media.