Day 045 - 03 Nov 94 - Page 27

     1        giving you the benefit of thinking it was by intention --
     2        you followed exactly the correct procedure, as it happened.
     4   MR. MORRIS:  He indicated that we were entitled to put the
     5        document to the witness.  So I do not understand what he is
     6        saying.  I think he is actually making some point.  He is
     7        trying to say that the way we approach the evidence is
     8        different, from me and Helen.  If that is going to be a
     9        constant theme, I welcome him to carry on doing it.  But he
    10        will not get anywhere.
    12   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  No.  That was my concern, Mr. Morris, that
    13        you may think that you have something in your possession
    14        which is evidence, when it is not, and, moreover, that
    15        there is some obligation on your opponent to check it, when
    16        there is not.
    18   MR. MORRIS:  No.  I was not implying that.  That was for the
    19        benefit of the information of the court.
    21   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  As long as you are clear in your mind about
    22        the position, then I need not be anxious about it.  But I
    23        was.
    25   MR. MORRIS:  (To the witness)  While we are on the subject of
    26        Al Golin, what is his position now?
    27        A.  I think he is actually retired, but he may have some
    28        role still in the agency.  The agency, the public relations
    29        agency, was bought by another company, I believe; and he is
    30        still somewhat active in the agency, but somewhat
    31        semi-retired.
    33   Q.   He used to attend McDonald's management meetings, did he
    34        not?
    35        A.  I have been at a few meetings, if I remember, way, way
    36        back at beginning of the 70s, where he may have been at
    37        some management meetings.  But he is not a part of the
    38        management team; he is an outside consultant.
    40   MR. MORRIS:   It says here -- is this true -- "'We are not just
    41        your average PR firm,' he would admit.  Indeed, Al Golin
    42        sits on Hamburger Central's top steering committee."  This
    43        is in the 70s.
    45   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  When you are looking down at the book, do
    46        your best not to speak too fast, and make it loud and
    47        clear, otherwise what you say may be missed.
    49   MR. MORRIS: ".....Al Golin sits on Hamburger Central's top
    50        steering committee; he accompanies President Turner to all 
    51        important security analyst meetings; he was one of the 
    52        chief forces behind the founding of Hamburger University. 
    53        He also appears as the chief liaison with Wall Street and
    54        is the invisible hand that bids the hamburger to sit up,
    55        speak and be noticed."
    57        Apart from the last phrase----
    58        A.  I would not characterise him in any of those ways.
    59        I never knew that he sat on any kind of executive steering
    60        committee.  I know his company was responsible for some of

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