Day 045 - 03 Nov 94 - Page 21
1 Q. Clearly, there, you are wanting the children to identify
2 the fun puppets with the food items?
3 A. They are certainly representations of the food items
4 and they are seen having fun, yes.
6 Q. Going on to the following page, Chicken McNuggetts:
8 "The Chicken McNuggetts are wacky little characters who
9 have adventures in a little world of their own. They live
10 in a McNuggetts box, but are most often seen dressed up in
11 costumes having a great time."
13 They appear to think in this, do they not, that they are
14 actually living in a McNuggetts box?
15 A. Yes.
17 Q. You seemed to disagree with that when the advert was shown?
18 A. I only know that in the advertising we have now it is a
19 different box than what is shown in the advertisement that
20 we saw yesterday. But many times they are absolutely shown
21 in a representation of a McNuggetts box, yes.
23 Q. Again, to associate in children's minds the puppets with
24 food items?
25 A. Yes. The McNuggetts characters look like Chicken
26 McNuggetts; they are a representation in a puppet form.
28 MS. STEEL: I have finished that section. I was wondering if
29 we could have a break?
31 (Short Adjournment)
33 MS. STEEL: Did you put that file away?
34 A. Yes. I am sorry.
36 Q. It does not matter. On page 89, it just mentions about --
37 I will read the whole paragraph, as you have not got it
38 out. It is under the part about "Magic Moments".
40 "Sometimes you can write a 'magic moment' into your
41 commercial, sometimes you can't. But you should always try
42 for it, and plan for it.
44 "If you follow the basic elements of the McDonald's style
45 in production, which are: McDonald's identification,
46 sensitive casting, real situations, fantastic fantasy,
47 natural dialogue, music, extraordinary food photography,
48 camera work and editing, you're well on the way to catching
49 the 'magic moment.'"
51 What does "fantastic fantasy" mean?
52 A. To be honest, within that context, I am not sure what
53 the copywriter meant.
55 Q. Do you know what "extraordinary food photography" means?
56 A. Yes. We want to make sure that the food photography
57 looks appetising and is representative of the product.
59 Q. Why would that be extraordinary?
60 A. Because food photography, if you look at it overall in