Day 045 - 03 Nov 94 - Page 20
1 children -- it is along the same lines, is it not, that
2 no one is going to be angered by their behaviour and they
3 are going to get what they want in the end, anyway?
4 A. I think I have said, it is somewhat like The Hamburglar
5 and others: these characters play a role, a persona, as
6 foils to ronald mcdonald, and they are not used to
7 specifically -- this kind of activity, I do not think, is
8 necessarily copied by children who watch them.
10 Q. Going on to Cosmc, on page 140:
12 "Cosmc is an alien from outerspace. He is part vehicle and
13 part creature and his creature part can disappear into his
14 vehicle part and fly away. Cosmc is a wacky, fun-loving
15 guy who causes mischief. But it is not intentional, just a
16 result of his misunderstanding of Earth's customs and
17 practices. Cosmc loves McDonald's food and tries to get
18 his six hands on some whenever he can."
20 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Is he called Cosmc or Cosmo?
21 A. Cosmc is pretty much the way he is called. The "mc" is
22 usually pronounced as "mic".
24 MS. STEEL: I will not read out the whole of this, but on
25 page 141, at the end, it says:
27 "Whether he is with Ronald or with other characters Cosmc
28 should be having fun, even it is causing a problem for
29 others."
31 Do you think that would be provide a useful role model for
32 children?
33 A. Again, the characters themselves, as I have said, are
34 part of the total persona of McDonaldland and they act as
35 foils for different activities, fun activities. The
36 children who are in our commercials never display this kind
37 of behaviour, and I do not think it is really meant for
38 people to copy; it is meant for the fun aspect of
39 commercials.
41 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Is there a common theme that Hamburglar, the
42 Fry Guys and Girls and Cosmc cannot wait to get their hands
43 on McDonald's product?
44 A. Yes. They enjoy McDonald's products.
46 Q. Well, cannot wait to get their hands on McDonald's?
47 A. In some cases, that is how they are portrayed in the
48 commercials; in other cases, they are done as some kind of
49 an experience. But it is both ways.
51 MS. STEEL: Going on to page 142, the Happy Meal Guys:
53 "The McDonald's Happy Meal Guys are personifications of
54 the hamburger or cheeseburgers, fries and soft drink, all
55 regular size, that comprise the Happy Meal. They always
56 seem to hang around together, laughing and having fun."
58 Were they the personifications that we saw in the advert?
59 A. Yes, that is correct.