Day 042 - 31 Oct 94 - Page 06

     1        A.  It is possible, but that would not work in practice,
     2        simply because of the travel distances.
     4   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  It sounds as if they do not just act as
     5        ronald mcdonald.  If they are on a fee basis, are they
     6        people who take engagements from other companies
     7        altogether?
     8        A.  That is correct.  They are normally either child
     9        entertainers or----
    11   Q.   Actors?
    12        A.  ----actors, that kind of thing.
    14   MS. STEEL:  So who pays their fees?
    15        A.  The restaurant that has the performance.
    17   Q.   What would that come out of?
    18        A.  That would normally come out -- they would normally
    19        take that out of that promotional budget that I was talking
    20        about, that local budget.
    22   Q.   On average, how long do these Ronalds stay in the job; do
    23        you know?
    24        A.  That, I do not actually know, no.  I am not that
    25        closely involved with them.  I think, just from what
    26        I understand, quite a long time; most of them stay with it
    27        for quite a while.
    29   Q.   Does that mean years, or----
    30        A.  Yes.
    32   Q.   Right.  What about things like -- you have a promotion on
    33        at the moment for The Lion King?
    34        A.  Yes.
    36   Q.   What does that involve?
    37        A.  It is a Happy Meal, basically.
    39   Q.   Right.  So where is it being promoted:  on television, or
    40        what?
    41        A.  Yes, it is.
    43   Q.   So that the story is:  "Come into the store, buy a Happy
    44        Meal, and you will get a"----
    45        A.  You will get one of four different Lion King toys.
    47   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Can you keep your voice up, please,
    48        Mr. Hawkes.  You will get?
    49        A.  One of four different Lion King toys.
    51   MS. STEEL:  Are they free, or is there is an extra price on the 
    52        meal? 
    53        A.  No.  There is an additional charge for that, which is
    54        included in the meal.
    56   Q.   When you have these promotions on with toys and meals, do
    57        you still sell the meals without the toys?
    58        A.  Yes, we do.
    60   Q.   Does the additional price represent the full cost of the

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