Day 041 - 28 Oct 94 - Page 64

     1        go and get legal advice, or anything like that, and
     2        preparing for recycling and waste, in particular-----
     4   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I think we need to say how we go.  That is an
     5        opportunity for me to make this comment.  It really relates
     6        to something Mr. Morris said a moment or two ago.  If
     7        Mr. Hawkes, having taken half a day giving his
     8        evidence-in-chief, you do need one and a half days to
     9        cross-examine in, then so be it.  But the mere fact that
    10        someone is put in for two days does not mean that he has to
    11        take two days.
    13   MR. MORRIS:  I certainly did not mean to imply that-----
    15   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I do not think you did, no, but I am making
    16        the point.  If, for instance, Mr. Hawkes were to finish --
    17        I am not suggesting he will -- at the end of day one or
    18        after one and a half days, since no-one else is going to be
    19        immediately slipped in, the next step will be Mr. Green on
    20        the next day.  You pick up half a day there which you can
    21        use, if you choose, as an extra half day in getting ready
    22        for the future.
    24        When we come to the week after next, if Mr. Miles has
    25        finished, for instance, were to finish on the Friday, you
    26        would have the Monday before you started your witnesses; if
    27        he were to finish Monday mid-day, you would have Monday
    28        afternoon.  If your witnesses were to take, two of them, a
    29        day each, you would have the Thursday and Friday, for
    30        instance.
    32        So, seeing that there is an arrow through the whole of the
    33        rest of that week does not mean that you are not going to
    34        get a break before continuing with recycling and waste
    35        which we started before we broke off.
    37   MS. STEEL:  I understand that.  The only thing is that it is
    38        quite possible that it will take that long, and then we
    39        will not get a break-----
    41   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  No, that does not follow.  If it does take
    42        that long, and I am satisfied that you need a day or two
    43        days in order to prepare yourself, I will listen to any
    44        application you make in that respect.  Inconvenience to a
    45        witness who for some time has been put in for Monday,
    46        14th November will be a factor which I will take into
    47        account, but it will only be one among a number of factors.
    49   MS. STEEL:   There is also another problem which is the thing
    50        about having all different files out for different issues 
    51        at the same time.  I mean, we have only limited space 
    52        and  ----- 
    54   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Try not to worry about that now.  It does
    55        show that there is a benefit in getting through witnesses
    56        quickly.  Apart from the benefit of sheer efficiency, it
    57        means that everyone has more opportunity to have a break of
    58        however long before we move on to the next witness and the
    59        next topic.

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