Day 041 - 28 Oct 94 - Page 63

     1        pressure.
     3   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I think what Mr. Rampton's interjection was
     4        aimed at, as I understand it, was that if we pack up now
     5        and you give more thought, even more thought, than you have
     6        already given to your cross-examination, then we may be
     7        more productive with our time.  I am going to adjourn now.
     9        I would be grateful if you spent some time before we came
    10        back on Monday focusing in on what you can most usefully
    11        ask.  I will not limit what you want to ask, provided I can
    12        see the relevance of it, to what I see as issues in the
    13        case.
    15   MR. MORRIS:  Yes.
    17   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Apart from anything else, it is good advocacy
    18        to be confident that the tribunal can see where you are
    19        going.
    21   MR. RAMPTON:  Before your Lordship rises, I add nothing more to
    22        what your Lordship says.  Your Lordship has understood
    23        entirely the nature of my interjection.  I only say that
    24        exactly the same thing occurred in cross-examination of
    25        Professor Walker.
    27        My Lord, can I ask your Lordship to look briefly at the
    28        redone schedule?  There are only two points on it which
    29        I wish to draw attention to at the moment.
    31   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Would you like to leave the witness box now,
    32        Mr. Hawkes?
    33        A.  Thank you.
    35                         (The witness withdrew)
    37   MR. RAMPTON:  Again, I do it now simply so as to be ahead of the
    38        game and make sure that we do not have any hiccups in the
    39        future.
    41        Two points;  the first is that at the moment we have
    42        proposed Friday, 18th November for what is the argument
    43        about the amendment, simply because it is the first
    44        available gap.  Your Lordship said that you wished to have
    45        it heard before Professor Crawford was recalled-----
    47   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes.
    49   MR. RAMPTON:  That seemed the convenient spot partly because it
    50        was blank but partly also because of this connected reason, 
    51        we are doubtful at present whether we need to call 
    52        Mr. Bateman who is down for 23rd and 24th in week 14.  If 
    53        we do not need to (and I will invite your Lordship's to
    54        find out whether we do in a moment), then Professor
    55        Crawford could come back then, if he is available, of
    56        course.
    58   MS. STEEL:   Can I say something in terms of this timetable,
    59        which is that there is actually no breaks, really, between
    60        the separate issues, and there will be no days when we can

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