Day 041 - 28 Oct 94 - Page 37
1 2.00 p.m.
3 MR. RAMPTON: Mr. Hawkes, two questions, not one. I beg your
4 pardon. Are you familiar with a phenomenon known, so far
5 as television advertising is concerned, as cross-over time?
6 A. Yes, I am.
8 Q. What do you understand it to mean?
9 A. I understand that it is early evening air time where
10 you can stand the chance of being able to show your
11 commercial where both adults and children are watching.
13 Q. At what times of the day, broadly speaking, are the two
14 categories of McDonald's advertising that we have seen
15 targeted?
16 A. Broadly speaking, you will find the adult advertising
17 from early evening through until late night with some -----
19 Q. "Early evening" means when?
20 A. 6 o'clock, 6.30, that type of time, a fair bit of it is
21 also in peak which is -- it varies by channel, but it is
22 between 7.00 and 9.00, 7.00 and 10 o'clock. The children's
23 advertising, the Ronald advertising, is in as we determine
24 to be pure children's air time which is in the afternoons
25 and may be Saturday mornings/Sunday mornings.
27 Q. So a nine year-old who happened to be up watching, let us
28 say, East Enders at 7.30 on a weekday evening would see the
29 adult advertising?
30 A. That is correct.
32 Q. The final question is this: The advertising which we have
33 seen on the screen in court is composed by whom?
34 A. Leo Burnett.
36 Q. The agency?
37 A. The agency, yes.
39 Q. You told us that it is prevetted by the BACC. This,
40 I know, may seem an obvious question. Is it vetted also by
41 McDonald's themselves?
42 A. Oh, yes, very much so; it has to have our approval at
43 every stage.
45 MR. RAMPTON: Thank you. Please remain there.
47 Cross-examined by the Defendants
49 MR. MORRIS: Just a few preliminary questions: McDonald's is a
50 vast multi-national corporation based in America; is that
51 correct?
52 A. Yes, it is.
54 Q. You are representative of the UK subsidiary?
55 A. Yes, of the marketing.
57 Q. The marketing section. Obviously, we will be asking David
58 Green but, as a UK person, are you aware of a systematic
59 approach by the corporation to its marketing strategy?
60 A. Systematic approach to its marketing strategy?