Day 041 - 28 Oct 94 - Page 35
1 and, therefore, which concern you, at any rate in this
2 context that I am on at the moment. It says: "UK,
3 November 1990. The Advertising Standards Authority ruled
4 that a McDonald's advert was misleading which claimed that
5 chemicals only played a very small part in the company's
6 food." Do you recall that event?
7 A. Yes, I do.
9 Q. Do you recall what the advertisement was?
10 A. It was basically talking about the cleanliness of our
11 restaurants, and the fact that we do use a lot of chemicals
12 in the cleaning of our restaurants, but that it only plays
13 a very small part in our food.
15 Q. It is my fault -- it was a bad question. Where did the
16 advertisement appear, do you recall?
17 A. It appeared in magazines and the press. It was aimed
18 at adults.
20 Q. Was that a national advert?
21 A. Yes, it was.
23 Q. I should ask you this: For the purposes of this case, the
24 fact that that ruling was made has been accepted by
25 McDonald's. What actually happened in consequence of that
26 ruling?
27 A. We withdrew the ad.
29 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I had not followed. What was the vice which
30 the ASA saw? What did the ad say and what was the
31 exception which the ASA took to it?
32 A. Basically, the ad said that we use chemicals to clean
33 our restaurants, but it plays a very small part in our
34 food. It then went on to give one or two examples of how
35 -- I think it referred to milk shakes where it says we use
36 a stabiliser in the milk shake. But it then went on to
37 give other examples.
39 The ruling came that it was misleading because we did not
40 give all of the small details of all the different
41 chemicals that were in the food. That was my
42 understanding. We were being very specific to one or two
43 points, and they said we were being misleading because we
44 did not paint the broader picture. So, we withdrew the ad.
46 MR. RAMPTON: The next one, Mr. Hawkes, says: "UK, April 1991.
47 The Advertising Standards Authority upheld a complaint
48 against a McDonald's advert in 'Our Schools' magazine
49 (aimed at 5-11 yr olds) headlined 'Go Green - McDonald's
50 and the Environment'. The Authority found that the advert
51 had wrongly implied that if the company ended its practice
52 of using foam packaging, a paper based alternative would
53 not be 'fully recyclable'. It also found that it was
54 misleading for the company to refer to the 'recyclability'
55 of their packaging if they themselves were not engaged in
56 recycling the material. The company admitted that they had
57 only had a small and temporary pilot recycling scheme at
58 four Nottingham stores."
60 Mr. Hawkes, do you remember that event in April 1991?