Day 041 - 28 Oct 94 - Page 20
1 (The twenty-ninth video recording was shown)
3 THE WITNESS: "Happy Cups".
5 (The thirtieth video recording was shown)
7 THE WITNESS: That was "Grand Prix".
9 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Was the voice over who I thought it was?
10 A. Yes, it was Murray Walker.
12 (The thirty-first video recording was shown)
14 THE WITNESS: "Advent Calendar Talking Baubles".
16 (The thirty-second video recording was shown)
18 THE WITNESS: "MacRobots". I think that may be the last one.
20 MR. JUSTICE BELL: If I noted it correctly, under the children's
21 ones ronald mcdonald features in some way or form except in
22 "Face" and "MacRobots"?
23 A. Yes.
25 MR. RAMPTON: My Lord, there is another tape of children's
26 advertisements which is the rest of that sheet. It is
27 really a matter for your Lordship as to whether your
28 Lordship would like to see it now.
30 MS. STEEL: Can we say that I do recognise some of the
31 children's videos that we have watched, but I do not think
32 we had those same ones.
34 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I will not ask to look at or borrow the other
35 tape. Whether or not Ms. Steel has actually seen them or
36 been given an opportunity in the past or not, perhaps she
37 could be provided with both tapes and she can take them
38 home for the weekend. I will look at the second tape if
39 anyone wants me to after the weekend.
41 MR. RAMPTON: Yes. I am afraid there is a comparable exercise
42 to be done with the American material when Mr. Fairgrieve
43 is here next week. It may be convenient to ask now through
44 your Lordship whether the Defendants feel they have all the
45 American material or not.
47 MS. STEEL: We have not got a list of the ones they are
48 proposing to show.
50 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Is the easiest thing if Ms. Steel on behalf
51 of herself and Mr. Morris could be given the one we have
52 seen this morning, the one which has further children's
53 ones on, and the ones which it is proposed be shown during
54 Mr. Green's evidence. You can take them home for the
55 weekend.
57 MR. RAMPTON: They are not in court, but we will get them to the
58 Defendants.
60 MS. STEEL: We would also like to be able to show them to our