Day 041 - 28 Oct 94 - Page 11
1 that the percentage is based on the average within the
2 range of values in the third column, there is none of them
3 that is as low as five per cent, is there?
4 A. No.
6 Q. Incidentally, you see the one at 26.4 per cent?
7 A. Yes.
9 Q. What is "Radion", do you know?
10 A. It is a washing up powder -- a washing powder, not
11 washing up powder.
13 MR. JUSTICE BELL: It is a very competitive market?
14 A. It is a very competitive market, yes.
16 MR. RAMPTON: Now if you can close that file for the moment --
17 we will have to come back to it later on -- take out the
18 other one, the bigger one, Volume V, and turn to tab 3.
19 You should find a statement by your colleague Alistair
20 Fairgrieve?
21 A. Yes.
23 Q. Behind that you will find a sheet marked "appendix AF1" and
24 behind that some coloured charts?
25 A. Yes.
27 Q. I want you to have a look at some of these charts with us,
28 please, Mr. Hawkes. Can you turn, first of all, to page 7?
29 A. OK.
31 Q. This is a headed, "Eating out of home monitor; McDonald's
32 share of burger houses". Without testing your mathematics,
33 I can tell you that it shows (or seems to show) that
34 McDonald's have something like for those periods an average
35 of 70 per cent of the burger market.
36 A. That is correct.
38 Q. Within the burger market, do McDonald's -- you mentioned
39 Burger King -- have any other competitors?
40 A. Wimpey would also come up in that category as well;
41 they are the key branded competition.
43 Q. Turn back a page, please, to page 6. We see a chart,
44 columns, showing what different categories within the quick
45 service restaurant market have, what shares of that market,
46 right? "QSR" is quick service restaurants?
47 A. Quick service restaurants, yes.
49 Q. Can we, without committing a solecism, also call that
50 fast food market?
51 A. If you wish.
53 Q. We see that burger houses have 16 per cent, yes?
54 A. Yes.
56 Q. Pizza places have 13 per cent; fish and chips have 32 per
57 cent; Chinese take-away/delivery have 25; Indian
58 take-away/delivery 6, and fried chicken and other fast
59 foods have 8 per cent, right?
60 A. That was true in 1992, yes.