Day 041 - 28 Oct 94 - Page 09
1 lasting success or failure within the restaurant that is
2 far more important than the advertising promise itself.
3 So, I would say the product is more important than the
4 advertising.
6 Q. Can you tell us off the top of your head what percentage of
7 its turnover McDonald's in this country spends on
8 advertising?
9 A. It does vary year by year, but not by much; it is
10 around about the five per cent mark.
12 Q. Can you please find two volumes of yellow backed files,
13 numbers V and VI. Can we take the Advertising one first?
14 My Lord, for the moment, all I want from it are the new
15 documents which I handed in this morning.
16 (To the witness): Mr. Hawkes, if you turn to tab 1 of that
17 file you will find, or I hope you will find, a statement by
18 you?
19 A. Yes.
21 Q. Closely followed by a statement by Mr. Michael Hayden, your
22 predecessor?
23 A. Yes.
25 Q. Which is 10 pages long. Then you have appendix 1 to
26 Mr. Hayden's statement, page 14, do you have that?
27 A. Yes.
29 Q. Which is signed by Mr. Hayden. Go through to page 19 and
30 after that you should find a table, do you?
31 A. Yes, I do.
33 Q. I want to come back to that -- is it called Sales
34 Advertising Ratios?
35 A. Yes.
37 Q. I want to go on from that to what I hope is the next
38 document which is a sideways document, is it?
39 A. Yes, it is.
41 Q. Called Advertising Sales Ratios, 290 Markets (1990).
42 A. That is right.
44 Q. Can I ask you this: By who was this document prepared? Do
45 you know?
46 A. The document came via our advertising agency,
47 Leo Burnett, but the actual references or where the numbers
48 come from I am not aware of.
50 Q. I am only going to pick out a very few of these. These are
51 categories of advertisers, they are not particular
52 companies; is that right?
53 A. Yes.
55 Q. Particular categories of products, I suppose, is that
56 right?
57 A. Yes, it is.
59 Q. Look, for example, at the second one on the first page in
60 the left-hand column. It would appear from this that