Day 041 - 28 Oct 94 - Page 04
1 department.
3 Q. Have you ever worked for any other part of the McDonald's
4 organisation -- any other than the marketing department?
5 A. No, I have not.
7 Q. When you joined McDonald's at the age 30 in October 1982
8 had you had any previous experience in marketing and
9 advertising?
10 A. Yes. I worked for a company called Cross Paperware who
11 are part of Bowaters who, indeed, are part of Bowater
12 Scott. I worked there for about nine and a half years and
13 I was always in marketing there. I left there as Consumer
14 Marketing Manager.
16 Q. Before you joined that part of Bowater Scott, had you any
17 kind of education or professional training in marketing?
18 A. Yes, I have a Higher National Diploma in Marketing.
20 Q. So can we say, Mr. Hawkes, that your adult business and
21 educational life has been spent in marketing?
22 A. Yes, you can.
24 Q. What strands of human activity are comprised by the word
25 "marketing"?
26 A. In McDonald's terms or generally?
28 Q. No, in McDonald's terms, let us stick to McDonald's.
29 A. We broadly cover advertising, research, promotional
30 activities, work on new product development, pricing and
31 input in pricing. These are the key areas.
33 Q. Do you personally have knowledge of and responsibility for
34 McDonald's advertising in this country?
35 A. Yes.
37 Q. What are the different forms or categories, I should say,
38 of the media in which McDonald's advertise?
39 A. The key medium we use is television. Then radio,
40 outdoor and some magazines and press.
42 Q. "Outdoor" we mean sort of hoardings, things like that?
43 A. That is right, poster sites, yes.
45 Q. To what extent within McDonald's organisation in this
46 country is advertising controlled by head office and to
47 what extent is it left to local discretion?
48 A. It is very much left to local discretion. There are
49 certain guidelines that come down through the culture of
50 the company, but in terms of putting the advertising
51 together that is down to the local country.
53 Q. Does that apply to things like local radio?
54 A. Yes, it does.
56 Q. Does it apply to local newspapers?
57 A. Yes.
59 Q. Does it apply to local promotions of various kinds?
60 A. Yes.