Day 040 - 21 Oct 94 - Page 27
4 MR. RAMPTON: That was supposed to be a note of levity. An
5 80 kilogram man, if he ate Carrageenan at this sort of
6 level, would be consuming?
7 A. When you say "this sort of level" you are referring
8 to -----
10 Q. 500 milligrams per kilogram of body weight per day would be
11 eating, I think, 40,000 milligrams every day?
12 A. Which is 40 grammes.
14 Q. Exactly. Then it goes on "Degraded" -----
16 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Would you remind me again, how many grammes
17 in an ounce? I keep forgetting.
18 A. I put it rather another way: I think if you had a
19 relatively meagre sandwich made from two slices of white
20 bread with only a little bit in them, that would probably
21 be about 40 grammes.
23 Q. Yes. 500 milligrammes is 1.1 lbs, is it not? 2.2 lbs in a
24 kilo?
26 MR. RAMPTON: So 500 grammes?
27 A. Is just close to a -----
29 MR. JUSTICE BELL: So it is 1000th of?
31 MR. RAMPTON: No. It is 40 grammes. So you divide 40 into 500,
32 so it is whatever.
34 MR. JUSTICE BELL: It is about a tenth of a lb, an ounce and a
35 bit?
36 A. That order of magnitude. It has been a long time since
37 I used imperial units.
39 MR. RAMPTON: In all events, Dr. Millstone, I know you are not a
40 food analyst, but it would be a surprising thing if one
41 found an ounce of native Carrageenan in a McDonald's milk
42 shake, would it not?
43 A. It would indeed.
45 MR. JUSTICE BELL: You would be very worried if you did, would
46 you not?
47 A. No, I am not sure -- I mean, it is used as a thickening
48 agent. I have never drunk a McDonald's shake but I have
49 seen people do so and they do seem rather thick, so I would
50 not care to hazard a guess as to the quantity of
51 Carrageenan in such a product.
53 MR. RAMPTON: My Lord, I should say -- I am afraid the thought
54 only occurred to me recently -- we ought to have and will
55 try to get evidence of the actual levels of additives to be
56 found in different McDonald's products in due course.
58 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I think that might be helpful. I did ask a
59 question, Dr. Millstone, no doubt, you will remember fairly
60 early on about volumes and quantities generally in an