Day 040 - 21 Oct 94 - Page 24

     1        degraded Carrageenan had any effect on these six patients,
     2        were there?
     3        A.  That is correct.  For those six patients with
     4        malignancies in their colon who received it for 10 days in
     5        that study, yes.
     7   Q.   I read on:  "Comments:  Carrageenan is a high molecular
     8        weight sulfated galactan derived from a number of species
     9        of red seaweeds of the class Rhodophyceae.
    11        The Carrageenan used in food has a high molecular weight",
    12        I will leave out the numbers, "and has useful thickening
    13        and gelling properties at concentrations as low as 0.01 per
    14        cent.
    16        Degraded Carrageenan has a very low molecular weight",
    17        again I leave the numbers, "and has no gelling properties
    18        whatsoever, even at very high concentrations of 10 per cent
    19        or more.
    21        Most of the degradation takes place in the stomach and that
    22        limited degradation has no effect on the gut wall.
    23        In vitro experiments with kappa and lambda mixture showed
    24        that in three hours the breakdown of glycosidic linkages
    25        was less than 0.1 per cent.  Carrageenan is resistant to
    26        attack by bacteria and degradation by human intestinal
    27        bacteria is very rare".  Do you know anything to contradict
    28        what is there written so far?
    29        A.  Well, my interpretation of, if I may turn to my text,
    30        my interpretation of the work conducted in Denmark by
    31        Ekstrom, Ekstrom and his colleague, was that in their more
    32        recent attempts to simulate in a laboratory the conditions
    33        in the human digestive tract, they did find far higher
    34        rates of degradation than had previously been reported.
    36   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  What was the name again?
    37        A.  Ekstrom, E-K-S-T-R-O-M.
    39   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  On page 283.
    40        A.  Yes, the 83 study is cited there, but not the 85.  May
    41        I just seek to find in this report how JECFA have referred
    42        to and commented on Ekstrom's work?  Yes.  It is referred
    43        to on page 1919 of -----
    45   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Can you give us the -----
    46        A.  269.  In the first complete paragraph on the right-hand
    47        column of 269, or page 19 of the original:  "Ekstrom and
    48        Kuivinen recently reported a breakdown for kappa
    49        Carrageenan that was about 15 times greater".  They
    50        characterised the condition there as rather drastic and 
    51        unlikely to occur normally in the stomach.  But that is 
    52        certainly not a view which Ekstrom has endorsed. 
    54   MR. RAMPTON:  No.  Do you know what on average the pH is in a
    55        forestomach?
    56        A.  Well ----
    58   Q.   It depends what you have eaten, I suppose?
    59        A.  It certainly depends what you have eaten and, moreover,
    60        what you have drunk.  So, that if, for instance, you were

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